dads against unfair child support

Women plead for EQUAL RIGHTS yet all I see is condemnation of men. SMHeven the judge said WOW! Maybe what should change is her will power to not have intercourse without protection. The custodial parent doesnt have the ability to pay when on welfare, so we make them able. First off you are talking about child support and what is wrong with the laws and then go on to talk about custody. Ive been on tough situations but never did I bother there dad because as a mother we always find a way to make money. With the ability to be financially squeezed now being eliminated, the playing field becomes leveled again, and the family court will now have to temper themselves by consulting with the bankruptcy court prior to any further financial rape being visited upon you. Your email address will not be published. Im sorry that your son is thrown into a multiple household situation that is only hurting him. Yep. I have two daughters with two different mothers. She makes 160k a year. I feel your pain I have a evil kiss mom took everything gets 1300 a month Im left with 220 week to live off of been trying so hard so long Im about to give up either go insand, kill myself ,or hurt people..I am refused my kids by her she tries to keep our bond up tells them bad things about me took and takes eveverything I plus gets all my money Idk wtd Im sick of living ,cryingstressed ot of my mind Im sick every day I cant remember the last time I was happy Im a good father she always wins dont work just makes my life hwell, Im going through the same man if it makes you feel any better I had no idea till last year after paying the same amount for 9 years I would get taken to court for back support my kids are 23, 18, 17 and right before the age out took me for the original amount she was awarded when we agreed on separate amount I payed 600 every month for 9 years. I know many women will not agree with what I have to say, but its what I think. The Support order was for $1,000 which was clearly a mistake so i contacted Child Support Enforcement which told me they did not calculate any of the 35% of the time sharing i had with my son during the year because the dates I provided i had him during the year did not exactly match the dates she provided (was told if one date does not match they calculate it as 100% time to her) I was outraged but fought trying to correct this for some time. Dont believe me, read the Social Security Administraion Act, TITLE IV, Section D. So look at the facts: In most cases the mother gets custody and typically makes less than the father; thereby the courts order the father to pay support. Kids were not home they must have been at a friends house. In practice, the judge tends to . You are only looking at it from your point of view . I owe it to her to help with my kids, not a big deal. Im a father who lost 50/50 custody because I grounded my daughter 13 from a cell phone. She overindulges them, but doesnt save for their future. I fully agree with that man. Meanwhile, women are demoted to 50% custody parentslosing the babies theyve carried, nursed, took work off to care for, loved and nurtured and know like the back of their hands. I hear women I would say 97% of the time now saying they need to find a Baby daddy so they can get a new paycheck this is reality what are we going to do about this!!! so the ex realizing shes lost, stops paying her attorney, and my property lien being remanded is never filed with the county recorder by the exs attorney(because the money is dried up the exs coucil drops all work on the case). The system is almost similar to yours and has been working for over eight years. So please, someone tell me again how child support is unfair? Just cause I make more I have to pay 70% of summer camp, after school care, and now she wants tutoring cause our child supposedly has adhd. I love my child and I was at my happiest when I spent time with him. this is just another way to lock up black men and put them in the leagal slavery system,.. we have to pay half of support but we dont get half the time, we are expected to maintain a house so when the kid does come to visit he has a place to stay. And to top it all off he wanted me to go on a talk show in the 1990s. We decided to open a business because 30% of his check would go to child support. How come judges dont give a crap? My grand sons they found out in April has HLH a rare disease. The law should be added to so that those women don't have several babies and then wait for the child support to come in. The simple fact that child support doesnt guarantee visitation makes me sick. The single best thing for avoiding child support is to spend time with your children. The system needs to look at what the entire household brings in, not just the parents of the child. You dont need a driver license to get to work if you dont have a job and are not looking for one). Is that wrong? Steevo, I am contemplating doing just that. Especially in our justice system that preaches equal rights. I dont get it. I pay $1,741 per month for two kids when the mother makes over $140k a year. I made all the mistakes. I let her keep the house and she stabbed me in the back and talked to the kids behind my back about where they would live. Now there are some women who see and have commented on gender bias against men and boys. You could even put kids up for adoption when they are older. My dad raised me and my brother and took care of mom by himself as I did. I am a disabled parent of 4, let alone a single parent. I claim bankruptcy. dads. Outburts, cops frequently called, manipulation out the wazoo, litigation after litigation, anxiety at an all time high, my son in therapy, and me terrified about what my childs dad is willing to do next to make a point. Ex spouse should be accountable for the money!! The System is beyond broken. He cant afford a lawyer, and I am on disability for MS, so my kids and us strive to make it on the basics, while she is on the ball if we are 2 days late on a payment, and we end up losing food stamps or they threaten to take his license. CHILD SUPPORT MAY DETER UNWED FATHERS: There were a number of stories on this study. That is when CSE started. I just dont understand, its your child and its only 20%. He got him a girlfriend and he lets his daughter live with his girlfriends dad and uncle and her two little daughters. If one parent doesnt want to work the other parent should get the kid. Legally, if no court order is in place, you could keep your child and have her come after you for custody. you will never pay it off. I too live in Illinois, and Ive had custody of my son and daughter since 2004. Current Child Support Laws Are a Barrier to True Shared ParentingExcellent article. She left without my knowing over three years ago from Texas to Pennsylvania and I have not seen my now 16 year old since. [1] Typically, it is paid to the parent with whom the children spend the majority of their time. I feel everyones pain in this comment section Im a dad and I have not worked for 3 months dues to my wife having an AFE(amniotic Fluid Embolism) I have to help her she is in bad condition and Im the only that can care for her she cannot be left alone she is a fall risk and has numerous health issues she cant even walk. I had to apply for snap/TANF. Every one has their own story. and after 2 years he kicked her out. I was immediately looked at as a deadbeat dad but kept losing over half my checks to pay amount that was based on my previous job. Unlike the female, he has no escape route. The Office of Child Support Enforcement assures that support (both financial and medical) is available to children through locating parents, establishing paternity, identifying support obligations, and enforcing those obligations. Thats absolutely 100% correct , its just not worth it in this day and age . Mindi, thank you for standing up for fathers. We both decided to go out separate ways, however that doesnt mean that he has to support me . A Missouri state senator who went viral because he apparently thinks it's OK for 12-year-olds to get married is clarifying his remarks. But on top of it all, she remarried into money. But the world still runs on women and children firstwhile shouting or roaring women are the same if not better than men. The best interests of the children. You said something about his room and the mattress. Meaning that theres people that do plate sales, theres always people looking for house keepers, babysitting etc. I would come home after 16 hrs of work to be bombarded with kids being hungry. She lives in a drug and gang ravaged area in Covington Ky. My oldest son gets 54% of my income and my other two children and myself get 46%. Dont be afraid, make sure that the powers that be, the judge, understands that you are not in agreement of any order that violates your rights as a human being, that is, your right to parent your child as you see fit. and your civil rights are being violated and definitely hire an attorney. The reality is that men, currently in this socially driven society (that is afraid of arousing the wrath of anti-men feminists, the entire movement basically), are screwed completely in custody battles. His family avoids me as well because I honestly think they are embarrassed. We pay out more for kids than either of my cases which allows me to know how much it costs to raise a child which is a fraction of what I pay. Yea. Are there deadbeat dads out there ? In his opinion i was not letting him see the kids. Your money is good enough but youre not. Just sad, he raised his kids til they were teenagers, was married to her for 14 years, until she cheated, and now he doesnt get to be there for them as mom used them as a weapon and still tells them he doesnt pay, so they send him not so nice emails. Always remember a woman has a choice who she sleeps with, just like a man has a choice on who he marries. 4. Could you contact me via email, I have some questions that I am sure you could lend me some advice on. I had all 3 of my daughters since before they started school. WE WILL BE HEARD!! Even when faced with difficult financial situations, many fathers tried to find other ways to provide emotional support for their children. If your kids are young? I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of ( Robinson.buckler @ yahoo. I fought anyway, and now have a GAL that has equated me with a child abuser in his language and promises to punish me if I dont accept what she is willing to give me. Im really glad you made it a priority for dad to get his 50% custody. My kids have a roof over there head, clothes on their back, shoes on their feet, and food on their table, BECAUSE of the Lord and ME! Being in the state of NY I have been through hell and back and back to hell when it comes to family court. 5) If you dont want to pay child support. In addition to our bedrock issues of men's equal rights, fathers rights and men's reproductive rights, The National Center For Men has consistently addressed dozens of other important gender issues . And what if that same husband had this happen to him in a previous marriage? If the custodial parent cant be bothered to document and substantiate actual costs then they should get either nothing or 50% of a basic formula for what the average costs of a childs educational and healthcare are for whatever age. So I went to school and got a job. I came home one early morning to surprise my family been away about 9 months. Tell me what about his Physical needs he is losing his Wife sometimes Wife herself wanted Divorce for her so called Freedom to Dance, go everywhere with maybe men, and he lost his kids. Then she still didnt let him. If a father becomes unemployed and then takes a lower-paying job, a reconsideration of the amount of child support due might be appropriate. Im currently saving money to take her to court and get shared custody, because Im afraid of trying to get full custody which is just down right impossible, which in Texas it damn near is. Taxmanyou work at IRS? 3) If you are out of work, and you dont pay child support, what? And continue to incentivize the worst women to destroy their soon to be ex-babys daddies. They should have to sit behind bars until its paid ! but then i dare you to speak the truth not just your truth. Most single parents are actually working and spend more than 20% on their child, even when theyre getting child support, kids are very expensive. I think that child support system needs to be corrected because I hate it that some women dont even bother in looking for jobs because they live out of child support . The system, all of it, is corrupt from the lowest peon to the highest rank on the food chain. But goes to Vegas and Cancun all the time.. and when he takes the kid , he makes him babysit so he and his new wife can go and get drunk on a bar and party. 10 years later, she still hasnt save one dime for their college. Every time the father went to see him they said he wasnt home or playing.The mothers defense is that she was overwhelmed. If the court told me that I could take the kid/s and make my wife pay me I could not even consider that a possibility. These financial incentives also explain why states ignore 42 US Code 654(21)(a), which caps the maximum amount of interest that a state can charge on child support arrears at 6-percent. My husband even had custody of his kids as she said when they were 18 months and one a newborn that she couldnt care for them and moved away again leaving my husband a single parent, than some how several years after my husband solely psychically and financially cared and raised their children she went behind his back when she actually wanted to take the kids for her visitation to get custody in a different state. Once the child reaches 18 years of age, in most states, it is no longer required that the father pay child support. What one parent pays the other pays half to equal that payment. I dont believe children should have to live back and forth with parents. Child Support is a SCAM! Because hes a guy he needs to be treated badly?!? My wifes car and a car I did not know was in the driveway. Rotten and broken system where the children get hurt the worst and a father is allowed to raise their step children and not their own. Is anyone else in this situation? I allow him. This makes no sense? In P.A. She should have been denied alimony or anything for that matter. Worth a sacrifics in the long run but the counter support for him, can come from me. There will become a time that they grow older and have friends that want to hang out with do things with go places with but they want be able to because they will have to go to the other parents house . She went to my nieces house with her daughter to get away from him for a week and when she went back he kicked her out. Since presumption of guilt is there, it take 5-10 yrs just to prove that the case is fake. Going down to the master bedroom I find my wife nude spooning with s naked guy. So that must be all the women then. So I paid her 2,900 a month for 15 years. but going back to your point is that I think if a women who has 3 kids and receives $287 a month then any other women can make it. Some how the lord works in mysterious ways, I have still been able to be there for kids, two jobs and steady plasma donation. 50/50 custody does nothing to serve a child well, it screws them up.. modern day laws are completely out of touch with reality of best interest of the child standard its a joke, and as for a parent that doesnt want to pay child support, 50/50 will most likely grant it. I have a great relationship with my kids, and Im proud to say that they are now in college, and doing great. Youre right though, hes brilliant (obviously you knew this when you had unprotected sex with him) all he had to do was get locked up for 8 years now he gets to kick back, have fun and not pay you. She has No accountability, and there is no equality whatsoever. I want women to enjoy their financial freedom, control the choices they make in their lives, to be able to make choices not based on desperation, and have a great life. The state? If a threat follows a demand, its extortion. I dont blame him. If they are 12 and up 30% for two kids max of your net. Many fathers sincerely want to do right by their children, but simply don't have the means to do so. He played disappearing acts, staying away for two tho three days. The single parent has to pay for what the child needs despite what kind of time theyre going through. if the mother applies for welfare the system automatically goes after the father for child support. My ex has erased me from my daughters lives. i dont blame the ncp for not wanting to pay the ransom of a kidnapper. I too live in Illinois, and im proud to say, but its what I think rare disease a... Separate ways, however that doesnt mean that he has to pay for what the entire household in! 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