love and destiny ending explained

When Xiao Lan Hua reincarnates into Xi Yun, she remembers their marriage agreement. He knew that Xiao Lan Hua would sacrifice herself for him and the sake of the people in three realms. He is known for his intolerance toward evil. He shouts to the servants, kicks them when they make mistakes, and flips the table if the foods are not for his liking. Chinese Drama Reviews and Novel Translations, Chinese Drama Reviews and Novel Neo fulfills his destiny and is able to do what no one else could. The time is ripe for considering how the thread of our individual fate is interwoven with the destiny of the country and the planet. I mean, Im not mad about the ending by any means. Let's take a look at The Alchemist's ending, explained in simple language. I wouldn't mind more slapstick comedy and mundane scenes of FL cooking and having meals with ML, lol! They stopped the ceremony and went to battle. -ker. While we enter life with both limitations and unique talents, our destiny plays out in how we creatively incorporate these into the unfolding narrative of our lives. There you go, we just gave you Love Between Fairy and Devil ending explained from The evil king prepared everything beforehand. The ML is a great god, the third most powerful in the heavens so of course he is able to access it. Meanwhile, Charlie breaks up with Cassie after realizing that he is deeply in love with Julie. Through the encouragement of Jiu Chen, Ling Xi who was once innocent and naive transforms into a brave leader in a fight against evil.Subscribe you for supporting me! Six months after recovering from a serious illness, I got on a train and headed west to Montana, where I rented a car and drove up into the mountains. So when the palace was recruiting a chef for the crown princes kitchen, she tricks her former employer to get out of a 10 years contract. Common Sense Media. Hi X. Felix, thank you for the comment Wow, I have never thought about the story in the way you did. Changheng resigned from his job as the God of War and decided to wander the world as an idle immortal under the guise of Xiao Run, his identity when he lived as a mortal in Luocheng City. Please read my other review, and leave a comment. However LX is not strong enough and phoneix tribe is not much of help. Charlie and Cassie are present at the restaurant and quickly invite Brandon and Julie to join them. However, he soon starts understanding and appreciating Julies fascination with Verona. Her true form is a Phoenix, waiting to be awakened. Descendant of the Dan bird tribe. Xiaoxiao told him that she came into the palace only to reach her dream. At a banquet, Shoukui confesses his love to Xiaoxiao. She tries the food, and checks on the recipes but found none of them were wrong. Changheng knew that the divine supreme power inside Xi Yun was not activated yet. In the deserts of western China, far away from the rigid society in Beijing, Jen discovers her first taste of true freedom. And the food platings oh my God! Aside from the food scenes, this drama takes us to follow the footstep of Ling Xiaoxiao while she paves her way in the imperial kitchen. But when he arrives, he decides not to enter and calls Yae, and she declares her love. She dreamed to become the world's best imperial chef. Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but theres every reason for them to open up emotionallyand their partners are helping. But I loved First Love. For a month, I lived on the wilderness property of Brooke Medicine Eagle, a Native American wisdom teacher and author, in a caravan by myself. A cultivating mortal. I agree to most of it except for the point of "How LX got out of abyss". I recommend it if you like Chinese fantasy dramas, or if you wanna give it try to this genre of drama and you enjoy movies as Harry Potter, or Lord of the rings. Is dongfang qingcang hellfire vanished due to love for xiyun? In the films final act, Julie and Charlie are forced into unexpected situations. He also developed a friendly relationship with Fairy Dan Yin, whom he expected to be the next Shuiyuntians God of War. He was hated by Qing Yao in the beginning because he failed to save Qing Yao's husband, but later become lovers with Qing Yao. Its one of the best things Ive ever seen and the story, characters, costumes and cgi took my breath away. She was adamant to fulfill her fathers dream of becoming an imperial chef. Lord of Dipper of South, who is in charge of life and fate of the human realm. Ling Xiaoxiao is a beautiful young girl, her determination to achieve her dream and filial piety toward her father dont win me completely. i've finished the drama a while ago so i don't really remember. But little does she know that the death news is only a cover-up for Shuikui to give up his crown prince position. This tries to answer two questions: i) how did LX get out and ii) how did JC get out. So you can imagine how beautiful and colorful they are.". He was killed by Yuan Du. And the former Demon King had once also accused JC of opening his heart to evil once he fell for LX. Albeit multiple difficulties ahead of her because of the petty and narrow-minded people around her. Therefore, he was angry when Dongfang Qingcang accused him of gloating because Xiao Lan Hua had forgotten him but remembered the engagement. The story was about Dongfang Qingcang, who was the strongest person in all realms. Her character which was adamant, ambitious, as well as clever, sharp-tongued, and bold, were the characteristics of a modern person but trapped in the body of the Ming Dynastys young woman. After dinner, Brandon proposes to Julie. The main BTS fun is between Ni Ni, director and crew, I just finished this beautiful drama and I love Chang Chen and Ninis performance. What I am calling destiny has to do with the inner arc and arrow of ones life. He decided to try the wrapped rice before determining the punishment for Xiaoxiao. Lin Shaohai's second daughter. At the critical time, the princes personal eunuch, eunuch Zheng, came and demands another chef. LX and JC are both so moral and honorable, they have almost no dark side and are forgiving to their enemies. Hi Fyremonkey, thank you for the comment. He said that recently people had inquired about his marriage life with Xiao Lan Hua. They spend some years at Shuiyuntians Arbiter Hall, they stay at Cangyan Sea for some years, and they occasionally stay at Lucheng City, also for some years. su. He is in love with Yuan Tong, and tries his best to guide her to the right path. However, Tai Sui managed to find his weakness and possessed Dongfang Qingcang. Moreover, Charlies relationship with Cassie is a total surprise for Julie and the viewers. Your email address will not be published. It manifests in the twists and turns, struggles, possibilities, and opportunities for growth. Bungie has talked about how each of the game's seasons will lead narratively to the next, so while the ending of the Shadowkeep campaign does seem abrupt, expect this story to continue developing. Her mother couldn't come out because Jingxiu almost killed her she was too weak but Jiuchen saved her. Oh, there is a 2nd gate, you seal that too. Rong Hao answered that he used to be a mortal, and his only worldly desire was to see her alive. At first I had low expectations, as it is a Netflix production, and most of the time, they can turn bad. We know JC can move through without much of problem between the abyss because he is one of the Top 3 gods. However, Julie is shocked to find Charlie Fletcher living in the villa she booked for her stay in the city. Ending Explained of the drama The Law Cafe Does Kim Jung-Ho and Kim Yoo-Ri end up together? Destiny 2: Lightfall has finally arrived, and what was supposed to be an Avengers: Infinity War-level event for Bungie's nearly decade-old shared world shooter has left its fanbase with a fair . It is discovered that Ling Xi was born with an evil miasma that can help the demon lord break free and allow the demon tribe to rise to power. He resides at Si Ming palace. After being married for 300 years, they live a very good life. Fate appears as whatever limits, restricts or even imprisons us; yet fate is the territory where we must go if we are to awaken to our inner destiny.. They do put an effort to explain why the crown prince had a fallout with his brothers and the reason for the insecurities he felt about himself. It is said that 30,000 years ago, Rong Hao was devastated after his master perished. 22:19. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This relationship dynamic sets up for a different love story that again succeeds in delighting and captivating in a way that is now becoming a 3L3W brand. That gold mask he's so fond of his called a Medusa Mask, and it allows him to manipulate the emotions of others . As a result, Charlie reluctantly agrees to share the villa with her. I personally liked it, it kept me entertained, I always wanted to know what would happen in the next episode. This is the story of a pure heart-ed young fairy who falls in love with the powerful and much older God of War. Five hundred years later, under the nurture of Xiao Lan Huas Xishan power, Dongfang Qingcang was able to return. Hi Marie-Anne, thank you for visiting our website. None of the Archangel crew gave him up, so Kira is kind of like Batman in a sense, as barely anyone knows who pilots the Freedom, or even Strike Freedom for that matter. In my humble opinion, a crown prince should be a dignified person, not childish. He helps Jiu Chen create an identity in the mortal world. Therefore, he tried to deter Xi Yun from entering Dongfang Qingcangs perimeter. Changheng had let go of his feelings towards Xiao Lan Hua back in the Cangyan sea when he saw how much Xiao Lan Hua loved Dongfang Qingcang. You can watch this drama on Netflix or Rakuten Viki. Glazed Fire is a fire of compassion that has been lost since ancient times. I enjoyed your summary, but theres one thing that needs to be corrected.Its not a memento that Dongfang Qincang leaves with Xiao Lan Hua before he dies. Will these two ever do a continuation season 2 down the road. Earlier in the film, Charlie states that he does not believe in destiny. It was kind of true because he could only push the evil forces back but he couldn't seal the gate. Set in 19th century Siam (later called Thailand), LOVE DESTINY: THE MOVIE is both a romantic comedy and a historical drama rolled into one, almost like an Indiana Jones story but without engaging adventures. Changheng buried them side by side. Just saw your ending explanation; love it PBG. Accompanied with Xi Yun and Dongfang Qingcang, he bid them farewell. For each soul is secretly aimed at the world and inclined toward a destination that only becomes revealed in crucial moments and at turning points in life. However, before the duo can act on their feelings, they are thrown into emotional turmoil by the emergence of their exes. For more information, please see our Dongfang Qingcang told her, that this was the only way to alter her bitter destiny. He was killed by Yuan Tong while escaping with Ling Xi from the heavenly guards. I have rewatched this at least 20 times!! Xiaoxiao then decides to leave the palace and open a restaurant. The extra episode showed us many clips of their love journey, from Shuiyuntian to Cangyan Sea, to Xuanxu realm, and back to Shuiyuntian when they meet again after a long and painful parting. Rong Hao took her out of Shuiyuntian and went to Yunmeng lake. The foods were made for the royals. After Dongfang Qingcang and Tai Sui perished, the three realms were at peace again. You just seal the gate and run away. And nobody expected the great evil king who was feared by all to master this ancient skill. She told him that a long time ago, the founder of the realm, Lord Dong, made a marriage agreement with the Xilan clan with a purpose. But Chidi Nzi was willing to take the risk. A vicious and arrogant woman. After the demon lord was imprisoned there both the gate and the abyss were sealed. They both were senior immortals but weren't able to get outside. Then we see how the whole world closes due to covid. The younger brothers of Shoukui are returning to the palace. After that we see how Yae Noguchi invites Harumichi to eat spaghetti. So the so called "Phoenix tribe only" is a contradiction.. On the other hand, the main star of the show is the food. He is close friends with Shi San, but feels awkward around her due to her crush on him. Shoukui uses Jiang Yinnuo to make Xiaoxiao jealous. If only phoenix tribe can access the abyss, then how did our ML visit the abyss and find the open demon world door? Descendant of the Phoenix tribe. A little boy that works at the medicine hall. Unexpectedly, she refuses his feeling. A teacher that is match-made with Lin Mo. Im absolutely obsessed with this drama. Royal advisor of Shan Ling tribe. I just recall that the phoenix tribe inhabits an in between realm and the abyss is basically their dungeon so it is impossible for the common immortals to easily access it. Isnt it a bit biased? Ling Xiaoxiao (played by He Rui Xian) doesnt want to be trapped in a small restaurant. What do you think was being asked of you at each of these fateful moments? Ni Ni: "What do you think of this, when JC ask me to seal the gate, I say okay "Crew member: "No, you don't have to say okay. Ming Mei is an intuitive person, Chun Chan is an affectionate person, and Xi Yan is a straightforward (or I should say, naive) person. However I was able to ignore all of them because of the good romance relationship between our leads. Sifu was probably going to ask LX to help him seal the gate and leave JC out of it. But I loved First Love. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. He might have those trains of thought and write them down as a novel. The stubborn Xiaoxiao manages to secretly went to the Delicacy kitchen and cook. A high immortal who has held the positions of Water and Earth Deity. Qin Yuan's teacher. I agreed to your hypothesis 100%. The Japanese drama, First Love is a bittersweet story that will make you cry even in the happiest moments of the drama. But he missed the food made by his only friend, and thats why he cannot eat other chefs dishes. And the ending is too unsatisfactory despite the production putting another episode of an alternate ending for our main leads. But Xiao Lan Hua only has one. So when she nurtured it with more of her healing energy for 500 years, he had the strength to return. The End of The Alchemist. From this point foward you will find spoilers Ending Explained, Love Between Fairy and Devil drama, got us captivated for several weeks. Therefore, he was hesitant because he didnt want Xiao Lan Hua to perish. Shoukui really loved Xiaoxiao, and he didnt mind writing himself as a character who lacks life skill such as washing dishes and being bossed around by Xiaoxiao. To fulfill her dream, she must conquer her biggest obstacle, Zhu Shoukui, the notoriously picky palate crown prince. If you watched any of the BTS for Rise of Phoenixes its obvious that Nini and Chen Kun had a blast!!! The way I perceived life had been forever changed. Its a bit boring to watch this drama if it werent for the kitchen trio, Ming Mei, Chun Chan, and Xi Yan. A Personal Perspective: A challenging, yet necessary, question for those without kids. He appears to assist Zhong Hao, but is actually Jing Xiu's subordinate. I also cried a lot, as they are finally together after everything theyve been through. Humanity may have a chance of survival. A man believes he's destined to be with a certain woman and that they were together in a previous life. "Ni Ni practicing her 'new' lines -->Ni Ni: "JC, you don't have to say anything, I know you are the God of War. That is also likely why JC sifu seeked out LX at the mouth of the abyss before JC discovered and interrupted them. The princess failed the mission. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. We also could see a glimpse of Rong Hao and Chidi Nzi when they were happily practicing swordsmanship, Rong Haos happiness when he knew that his master loves him back, or his despair when he stabs the knife at Chidi Nzi. In extra episode 1, Dongfang Qingcang sat on his chair inside the Moon Palace. Parents need to know that Love Destiny: The Movie is a Thai feature based on a 2018 television series set 100 years before. I love BTS but I must admit I didnt watch as many of the LAD ones because Chang Chen is not as goofy as Mark Chao so I didnt think they were having as much fun on the set. "A Chinese drama and movie lover for the past 5 years. The story was focusing on the talented young chef Ling Xiaoxiao who was determined to become the worlds best imperial chef. In order to preserve his life, Eunuch Li appoints Xiaoxiao to be the new imperial chef. Dongfang Qingcang wanted Xiao Lan Hua to keep on living. Love and Destiny is part of the Three Lives, Three Worlds series by Tang Qi Gong Zi (), and related to Eternal Love and Eternal Love of Dream. [4], The series is produced by the team behind the 2017 drama Eternal Love, who stated that Love and Destiny is set in the same fictional world as Eternal Love and would be seen as a spin-off. Or maybe we can discuss about drama or movie sometimes in the future through online meeting, how about it? And also help Shoukui mend his broken relationship with his brother. !. See you on another ending explanation post! The spoiled crown prince decided to give up his position because Xiaoxiao refuse to give up her dream. He also killed Mo Huan to prevent him and Ling Yue from being together, as the rulers of Shan Ling tribe are not allowed to marry outsiders. Yet after many episodes, I feel an utter disappointment. She likes Jing Xiu. Ending Explained of the drama Summer Strike -Final review, Ending Explained of the drama My Deepest Dream Final Review, Love Between Fairy and Devil Ending Explained & Final Review, WordPress Cookie Notice by Real Cookie Banner. and our This article was an explanation of the ending for our main characters. Thank you. Delicacies Destiny is a Chinese romance drama released in 2022, with food and historical as the background story. Chidi Nzi told him that his worldly desire was too strong and blinded him. To attract the crown princes picky palate, Xiaoxiao made him a simple rice dish wrapped in lettuce. It all came together when JC and LX realized JX became the Demon King and was already outside the gate and drawing all the evil forces out towards him. So the ending explained will have more point of view. Is Netflixs Love in the Villa Based on a True Story. Last disciple of the Heavenly Supreme Lord and Jiu Chen's junior. Instead, he spends most of his time in Verona working. I posted my theory of what happened in a spoiler shortly after this finished airing but I think by now it is a bit lost. Why or why not? In order to save Rose, Unity asks her to give up whatever makes her the dream vortex. However, Julie uses the opportunity to make Charlie jealous. I suspect there were quite a lot more scenes that got edited out. Former subordinate of Jiu Chen. His calm and composed nature helped him through many terrible times. That scene is really emotional and I cried a lot, here is a video with it. The lack of affection from his father emperor makes Shoukui questions his ability. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BLACK DRAGON!!!!?????? This kind of dramas are relaxing, most of the times. As punishment for his actions, Chi Yu is imprisoned in the stars for 3,000 years. She use to harbor a grudge against Yun Feng due to her husband's death, but later falls in love with him. Happy or Sad ending in the drama The Law Cafe? She has an unrequited love for Jiu Chen. The ending is not how I expected it to be. She was adopted by Lin Shaohai as his wife could not bear a child. Kinda feel they were included in with more scenes but production had edited those out. As a result, Julie is forced to go on vacation alone. Can I add your comment to my article above and put your name on it? At nearly three hours, Love Destiny: The Movie is shaggy, unruly, meandering, and over the top. She is close with Lin Mo. Im a foodie and a great fan of cooking videos. Hes also arrogant and pouts all the time. Xiao Lan Hua died in the Xuanxu realm. The heart-touching and grand romantic gesture convince Julie that Charlie is the right person for her. Bhop (Thanawat Wattanaputi), a young and highly-placed engineer, is obsessed with dreams about an ideal woman, causing him to avoid meeting Gaysorn (Ranee Campen), the woman his parents have betrothed him to. The subplot accompanying his endless attempts to win her over involves Mathus (Paris Intarakomaly), a young time traveler from 2021 who is dropped into the plot complete with his cell phone, Ray Bans, and social media-based romantic advice. There should be some compromising to get a win-win solution for both of them. A former medical officer. LX father could not get out because the top was sealed by powerful magic to keep him there but once it was opened he should have been able to exit. Dr. Destiny has made friends with his neighbor, Roger Hayden, Psycho-Pirate. She often had nightmares and killed people unconsciously. However, Charlie sees Brandon proposing to Julie and assumes that she is engaged. Jiu Chen's former subordinate. Leave everything else to me, do not worry! Ling Xi's father and Ling Yue's husband. Well done, Thx JaLD and great to see you on the threads again! maybIu 2 days ago yes it does have a much better ending but a bit abrupt as well imo Hes hot-headed, often throws temper tantrums, and finicky. Jiu Chen's subordinate. She is straightforward and loud, and is kind at heart. However, none of them works. If you are wondering about the fate of Julie and Charlies romance, here is everything you need to know about the ending of Love in the Villa. SPOILERS AHEAD! Destiny involves an irreversible process of becoming from within.. After falling into sleep for thousands of years, the God of Warrior Jiu Chen was awakened by a Goddess named Ling Xi. In the city, Julie (Kat Graham of The Vampire Diaries) arrives on her dream vacation only to be forced into sharing a villa with the cynical Charlie (Tom Hopper of The Umbrella Academy). Nevertheless, their biggest challenge is themself. Jiu Chen and Yun Feng's teacher. The Japanese drama, First Love is a bittersweet story that will make you cry even in the happiest moments of the drama. [citation needed], This is a love story between God of War Jiu Chen, and a young fairy maiden named Ling Xi. Will check weibo, douban for clips but probably not there anymore, as it is more than a year. But unfortunately, to seal Tai Sui, hell need the power of a goddess. So I do have a high expectation of this drama. He is good friends with Tianlei Zhenjun. A former mount of Zhu Rong (God of Fire) that guards the Demon Tower. Together, Dongfang Qingcang and Changheng managed to turn Xiao Lan Huas spirit into a seed. Thus, the film ends gratifyingly as Charlie and Julies love story starts in a true sense. Ling Xiaoxiao (played by He Rui Xian) doesn't want to be trapped in a small restaurant. Daughter of the Medicine King. | Ending Explained of Forbidden Flower Does Xiao Han and He Ran end up together in Forbidden flower? :) i have listed the titles for the dramas along with their male & female leads in the caption for each photo! Not only had the illness, with its gripping mixture of uncertainty and fear, been a voyage into the unknown but now I was setting forth on a different kind of journey, this time in search of healing. Xishan power, Dongfang Qingcang, who is in charge of life and fate of the guards... Cry even in the stars for 3,000 years assist Zhong Hao, but is actually Jing 's. 30,000 years ago, rong Hao took her out of Shuiyuntian and went to Yunmeng lake it... Friends with his neighbor, Roger Hayden, Psycho-Pirate shaggy, unruly, meandering, and his... Shoukui mend his broken relationship with Cassie is a Thai feature based a. The BTS love and destiny ending explained Rise of Phoenixes its obvious that Nini and Chen Kun had a blast!. 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