scots dumpy chickens for sale

We have maintained this breed since 2008. They have a very old history. They like their other colored counterparts are active thrifty and like to go feral when given a chance. Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), American Dumpies- Not a recognized breed but the result of culling the off types from the Cuckoo Scots Dumpies. Our males tend to have more yellow legs. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch), Rose Comb Rhode Island Red - Deep red in color with rich yellow legs. Chicks $7.00 (maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023, White Rock- On a visit in 2016 to central Iowa to our friend Larry Halls I noticed his two flocks of White Rocks. Our first wishwill be to get you all of your order at one time but sometimes the birds have a mind of their own and the demand can change on a weekly basis. Remember postage is included in the price for poultry. White Orpington - White skin, feathers and legs. The following lay medium to large sized white eggs. Occasional white legs do show up. they are not the hardiest of breeds and when not raised with other large fowl. Eventually a friendfoundfew and we are stillworkingon perfecting the colorand type. Their history is very old. We have maintained this breed since 2011.UNAVAILABLE IN 2023, Colored Dorking - Slightly variable in color. Males are somewhat tri-toned with red, brown and black. Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $150. Males are a silver-gray with slight barring. They have a very old history. Colored similar to a Speckled Sussex. This assortment is only available as a unit of 25 chicks. They lay light brown eggs. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Welsummer - Named after the village of Welsum in Holland. Their legs are massive and thick . Chicks $8.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 30, LavenderOrpington- Large blocky birds that are lavender in color pattern. While they look small the eggs are fulll sized. How to use this code: This link cantains your affiliate code and can be placed anywhere a normal tag could be placed. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 25 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JULY 25, Erminettes - A very old American breed that nearly slipped to extinction but was rescued by the late Ron Nelson of Wisconsin. Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Creme Legbars- a colorful breed with cuckoo pattern that has a slight tufty crest. The males are a cuckoo pattern with brilliant flame orange-red hackles, neck and wing patches. The short legged gene is lethal so some birds will have longer legs. We keep birds that are selected from a cross of a large exhibition strain and a high production strain. We have maintained this breed since 1996. We have maintained this breed since 1997. They have a small single comb. Chicks $7.00 each ( maximum of 15 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JULY 11, Wheaten Dorking - females are a soft wheaten color and males more closely resemble silver grey. We have selected for production first, show type second. Finally we were able to get a different bloodline for males and had an excellent year for them . Fantastic Chicken One of the things that pushed us to redo and rebuild all of our poultry facilities as fast as we could. This breed is a somewhat seasonal layer of pale brown eggs. Occasionally grey legged birds show up. Mark, They all have a rose comb. They have an unusual comb - - - single in the front with multiple lobes at the rear. Not perfected and not in the APA Standard. You also agree to take the chicks anytimeduring ourregularseason of April through August. These are not the commercial variety called Production Reds but are the true Rhode Island Reds. The adults can reach 7lb and are good meaty birds. Good Winter layers, hardy and disease tolerant. Some slight variations of this due to the genetics involved can be expected. (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Golden Spangled Hamburg- Small sized and very active , chicks are the most colorful of any we carry. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13, Blue Orpington - Nice, rich, slate blue colored birds. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13, Partridge Penedescenca- Their color is slightly variable with the females being marked similar to a Light Brown Leghorn. They are superb layers of small to medium sized off-white eggs. Ron Nelson, shared some nice birds with us way back in 2000 when their numbers were most likely less than 50 in the entire US. You will see a diversity in comb type as well. They lay a brown egg. Color pattern is similar to a Partridge Rock, but many females lack pattern in chest area. Be warned, not all breeds are easy to find. Excellent early season layers that slow down in the heat of summer. I came home from work one day and found about a dozen chickens that were not mine that someone had dropped off in the ditch in front of the house and they had mixed in with some of mine having flown over the fence into the pens and barn. In the early 20th century they were known by many different names such as "Creepies," "Bakies" and "Daidies." The names themselves conjure up a charming picture. While we will continue to maintain this breed, we are not sure when we will be offering them for sale again. The adults look like a mixed up Silver grey pattern some more uniform than others and some have more rusty salmon on them. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 20 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 16, Buff Brahma-Largebuff colored gentilebirds. A land race means that they are not all uniform in color or body type. This assortment is not necessarily available at every hatch. Very early American breed. The lack of genetic diversity has bottlenecked and we produce very few chicks.We have maintained this breed since 2010. . Sebrights are very upright birds that like to strut around. Originally there were no bantam Scots Dumpy's and should not be a bantam version. This is why we list ours as laying a greenish blue egg. I knew that once I got done with college and got settled I was going to get some. We have maintained this breed since 2010. Egg color will vary between pale green, olive green, occasionally brown, or olive green with brown spots. We have maintained this breed since 2020. Color pattern is similar to a Partridge Rock, but many females lack pattern in chest area. There are active and good sized. Both lines were very inbred and not very thrifty. Freedom Ranger Chickens. Chicks $7.00 ( Maximum of 5 per hatch), BuffCochin- verylargeand gentile. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 27, Partridge Chantecler- Still working on improvement of comb type. Our males tend to have bright, white earlobes and the proper combs. Chicks $8.00 each ( maximum of 15 per hatch), Blue Copper Maran - Beautiful, deep blue color with fiery orange-red neck and hackle feathers in the males. Egg size is typical of all Sussex and not very large. Can anybody here have dumpy eggs available? Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 5 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JUN 27, Lavender Cuckoo Ameraucana- We were excited to obtain these from Dennis Heltzel. They are calm and friendly as well. Rare in this country. Both have muffs, five toes and feathered legs.We have maintained this breed since 2002. They lay very large long eggs, some lay cream shelled some beige/brown. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Rose Comb Brown Leghorn- The only rose comb leghorn that we maintain. Our strain comes from the late Ron Nelson and looks somewhat different. Our modern agricultural philosophy is to maintain things away from the outside world in protected isolated conditions. Females will vary from silvery to golden straw with varying chest colors. This breed has not yet been admitted to the APA Standard.We have maintained this breed since 2001. Our males tend to have more yellow legs. Eggs are a paleblue color though white eggs do show up . - These are not generally available until the first part of May. They are superb layers, but fertility rate can be very low at times. They all do seem to have a tuft of feathers on the top of the head. A graceful, hardy breed from Andalusia, Spain.We have maintained this breed since 1999. The beak, legs and feet are white except for the black variety which have slate grey or black legs. Their name means broken heart. yet another one of the white egg laying breeds in serious danger of depletion. They forage well. The roosters lets just say were a bit aggressive. We are getting closer each year to birds that are properly colored and have vigor.We have maintained this breed since 1996. They lay a nice sized, tinted egg. I started searching and found 1 remaining breeder and knowing I could not have poultry for a few years my good friend Tom Knoche got the hatching eggs and kept them for me until 1986 when I brought them home from Ohio to my friends the Schroeders who lived down the road from where I was renting. We have maintained this breed since 1990. Males tend to be a bit sexually active while hens are mellow much like Welsummer hens. The egg color is a tinted white. I ordered the vaccine to help slow the spread but was frantic as over 90% of my Sussex perished. Most famous for the deep, dark brown eggs. Chicks $8.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch) SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 27, Lavender Ameraucana- We were excited to obtain these from Dennis Heltzel and of all of the Ameraucanas we have raised the egg comes the closest to a blue shade as we have seen. The Brakel was developed for egg production and lays approximately 200 white eggs per year. Chicks $8.00 each. We have maintained this breed since 2009. Sale; Catalog; Contact; Store; View our facebook; View our instagram; View our youtube; View our twitter; We Are Available to Help. Then on that horrible July day with a heat index of 133 deg. Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch), Blue Andalusian- Large sized beautiful blue color. It seemed like the more we perfected the true Dumpies the worse they became but these yellow legged types show high degree of vigor and lay well. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. The first 3 that I had would follow me everywhere and jump up on my lap if I sat down on a bucket in the barn. These are still showing some variability in the color pattern. They are one of the oldest of the Wyandotte breeds. these are basically a cuckoo pattern they are a nice calm breed. They are excellent layers of white eggs and are thrifty and great foragers.We have maintained this breed since 2001. 1 (800) 720-1134 They lay a nice white egg and are easier to handle than any of the Leghorns. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023 REBUILDING OUR NUMBERS. In the early 20th century Scots Dumpy chickens were known by many different names. We recently acquired Tom Bruning's flockwherehe has beenworkingon size and type formanyyears. While the APA Standard calls for a blue egg, Ive yet to ever see in anyones Ameraucana flock what I would call a blue egg. They have a single comb with five points. Company Reg. White Orpington - White skin, feathers and legs. They all have single combs with five points and lay a light brown egg. They have a single comb with five or more points. Chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), Jubilee Orpington- Large blocky birds that are speckled and resemble a fat Speckled Sussex. We started looking for this breed in the late 1980's and found none for sale anywhere and were finally able to locate a few in 1995. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Sicilian Buttercup- Originated in Sicily. Very attractive stocky built birds. In our first few years of offering them the demand for them was near zero and they appeared to be on the path way to slide to extinction. You will get the equivalent of 25 chicks (or more), Occasionally we have some extras from genetic crossing experiments. Remember with Blue, the multiple possibilities for off-types occur. They lay a brown egg. Dumpy, Chicks $4.00 each (maximum of 15 per hatch), ASSORTED ORIENTALS:This assortment may be made up from any of the breeds listed under Oriental. Will usually contain at least 6 breeds in an order of 25, but can contain more than 10 breeds. Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 30, Black Ameraucana- We were fortunate to obtain two different blood lines from show quality stock. (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation) We have maintained this breed since 2005 . They make a nice breed for someone who wants a good forager which will set on eggs. The original colours for Scots Dumpy's were black and cuckoo. We have worked with them for several years to increase vigor and productivity and crossed several lines to get to the point where we have a vigorous bird of decent size. Photo is from Craig Johnson who obtained stock from us and continues to work and improve on them.Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Bielfelder- I first saw a picture of these many years ago and had them on my wish list for sometime. Adults resemble chunky, low to the ground Brown Leghorns. They lay a nice white egg.Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Single Comb Light Brown Leghorn- We maintain the production line so they are not the top show birds. These are an established German breed from at least 1860. We have maintained this breed since 1990. Chicks $5.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch), ASSORTED ASIATIC:This assortment may be made up from any of the breeds listed under Asiatic. This breed is not as yet listed in the APA Standard. We have worked and multiplied crossing the strains and have a very productive bird that is very hardy and withstands a lot of stresses. These originated in Ohio in the early 1900s. They all do seem to have a tuft of feathers on the top of the head. We have maintained this breed since 2000. They have a single comb with five points. Please remember these grow very slowly. Will usually contain at least 6 breeds in an order of 25, but can contain more than 10 breeds. All Orientals lay a very pale brown egg. They are a nice calm chicken that is very colorful and lays well. The absence of the tail makes it a challenge to get fertile eggs. Chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), Blue Ameraucana - Typical blue genetics. This is one of the early breeds we gathered up as breeds were rapidly disappearing and have maintained for sometime. Many places list Araucanas but they are really Ameraucanas. . Ameraucanas are sometimes called the Easter Egg Chicken because they lay green, blue or olive eggs as well as brown. Their behavior is very flighty and is similar to a Leghorn. All are pleasant and mild mannered breeds. We have maintained this breed since 1996 .Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch), Silver Spitzhauben- gorgeous black and white spotted very old breed with more of a tuft than a crest.6 .Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 30, Golden Polish- Bearded, white eggs, golden laced pattern, orange and black. Lay deep, dark brown eggs.We have maintained this breed since 2011. We have maintained this breed since 2013. chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 20 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 2, Mottled Java - One of the older breeds of poultry admitted to the Standard in 1883. Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Black Australorp- Faster growing than the Black Orpington but slightly smaller in size. They lay a dark brown egg. Therefore, if you place an order for these, please be as flexible on shipping dates as possible. Brown eggs, rather small single combs. Roosters are calm and hens are docile. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Silver Kraienkoppe- Color pattern like a Silver Grey Dorking, off-white eggs. Color variations occur within this variety. They have various comb types but small, single combs are the most common. They are nicknamed 'The everyday Layer' and 'The Nuns hen' and are hardy birds with good resistance to disease. Medium weight, dual purpose fowl with yellow skin and eggs in shades of brown. Knowing Icelands moderate maritime climate and that this breed had developed there for over a thousand years, I was fearful they would not handle the extremes of Iowa weather very well. They are an excellent choice for free-range broilers. They are a unique and fascinating breed but unfortunately the gene pool in the US is very limited and they are in dire need of new genetic inflow. According to Dorking expert, Craig Russell, we have two lines traditional which the hens are the color of Brown Leghorns and Clays which are more of a Wheaten pattern. Chicken Hatchery Illinois Listing The Easy Chicken Address - St Louis, IL Phone - 314-852-2802 Contact - NA Website - Chicken Scratch Poultry Address - McLeansboro, IL Phone - 618-643-5602 Contact - Website - Belmont Feed & Seed Featured Image Credit: HollyHarry, Shutterstock We have maintained this breed since 2021. Chicks $6.00 each. (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation) We have maintained this breed since 2005 . Birds are a soft lavender color and calm and relaxed in nature. But if they do then make good mothers. . We are getting both comb types (rose and single) and, while a predominant number are pure black, some off-colors (principally dark grey and birchen) are showing up. Eggs tend to be various shades of brown. They are large, low birds with long broad bodies, a deep breast and medium sized, neatly tucked wings. One of the things that pushed us to redo and rebuild all of our poultry facilities as fast as we could. Ive long had an interest in genetics and, on occasion, I do some experimental crosses between breeds. They sort of resemble a buffy Delaware in type and color. Chicks $4.00 each ( maximum of 25 per hatch), Barred Holland- A barred medium sized breed, not as big as Barred Rocks, good layers of a white or tinted egg. Rare in this country. Hens are productive layers. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023, Black Penedescenca- Black Minorca-like chicken with a unique single comb that has almost a crown at the back side. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Speckled Sussex- White spots on a chestnut brown background. While our strain is not nearly as tall as some seen today they do have an upright stance and are a very firm fleshed husky bird. I ordered the vaccine to help slow the spread but was frantic as over 90% of my Sussex perished. They are superb foragers with a most pleasant temperament. Chicks $8.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Creme Legbars- a colorful breed with cuckoo pattern that has a slight tufty crest. They are a unique, stocky bird. We have maintained this breed since 1995. Males are somewhat tri-toned with red, brown and black. Not all chicks hatch out the Red Pyle pattern. This is not a purebred collection. We maintain a large number of full size chicken breeds. Birds are generally mild mannered. SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 13 SUPER ASSORTED CHICKENS: Chicks $1.75 each ( 100 maximum per hatch) Can be any of the full size breeds we offer. Time after time LT would devastate the Sussex but the Dorkings would do fine. (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Salmon Faverolle - Originated from crosses of Houdans, Dorkings and Asiatics in Faverolle, France. They are rather large fowl with an extremely nervous temperament. We werefortunatethat our good friend Joe Putnamfounda source of very nice birds and we are able to offer them again. Hen is buff with parallel rows of black spangles. Their history is very old. Very attractive stocky built birds. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Crele Penedescenca- Minorca-like chicken with a unique single comb that has almost a crown at the back side. Coronation Sussex- a gorgeous color variant where the neck feathers are a pale silvery blue. They go in spurts. These are small but very attractive and have good foraging ability. They are cuckoo in color pattern.We have maintained this breed since 2015. Ours lay, of tan and pale green eggs. 2. Please msg me I been looking for dumply chickens for a while . This was one of the first breeds I acquired as a young child, the hens can become very pet like when you spend time with them. 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