Guys are going out every night killing everything. Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. militarys special mission units. They also had terrain advantage. If a guy cuts off another guys head and nothing happens, that becomes the standard, said oneof the former SEAL Team 6 leaders. He even has his own line of clothing. It was at this point that some critics in the military complained that SEAL Team 6 with their full beards and arms, legs, and torsos covered in tattoos looked like members of a biker gang. Night after night of kill or be killed. By late 2007, Slabinski was deployed to Afghanistan as the senior noncommissioned officer in Blue Squadron. Two different SEALs, Robert ONeill and Matthew Bissonnette, have publicly taken credit for killing bin Laden. Created in 1980 and based at the. After Robertss death, Slabinksi wanted revenge. Moore did not respond to requests for comment. Theyre telling you how they remember it. Howard, according to two of his former operators, was more willing than previous officers to greenlight operations based on weak intelligence, leading to more raids and strikes. Sources at SEAL Team 6 who were present during the operation estimated the number of dead was between 17 and 20. The photos and other review documents could be shared with local officials to justify operations. McRavens new ordersset off a struggle between the JSOC commander and SEAL Team 6s enlisted ranks that played out in a series of high-profile hostage rescues ordered by President Obama. They shot an unarmed dude. The commands top noncommissioned officer placed their names on the SEAL Team 6 rock of shame, the unofficial list of unit pariahs. Senior leaders at the command knew about the misconduct and did little to eradicate it. Unlike the hundreds of other assaults SEAL Team 6 had carried out in Iraq and Afghanistan, in which the operators would plan and carry out a raid within a matter of hours, this time they had weeks to prepare. For several years afterward, the leaders at the command limited Slabinskis battlefield exposure assigning him to Green Team as an instructor, for example hoping the psychological wounds from Roberts Ridge would heal. These small teams of CIA, Seal Team 6, and Afghan commandos operated under the agencys Title 50 authority, which governs covert activities. Tactically, there was little about the upcoming raid that was complex. David Boreanaz as Jason Hayes Max Thieriot as Clay Spenser (episode 1-8) Neil Brown Jr. as Ray Perry AJ Buckley as Sonny Quinn Toni Trucks as Lisa Davis Raffi Barsoumian as Omar Hamza Jessica Par as Mandy Ellis Alona Tal as Stella Baxter Parisa Fakhri . One former teammate who served with Slabinski described his effort that day outnumbered and with inferior fire support, taking incoming fire from the moment the helicopter landed as one of the most heroic things Ive ever seen. On the day when SEAL Team 6 lost its first operator in the post-9/11 era, Slabinski became a unit legend. Some SEAL Team 6 leaders were appalled by how easily Vasely and Szymanski had folded under Moores pressure. It wasnt necessary. No investigation into an unjustified killing has ever resulted in formal disciplinary action against a member of SEAL Team 6. Brian Snyder; Instagram. Bissonnette's name is reportedly inscribed on a "rock of shame" outside SEAL Team 6 headquarters, alongside others who are officially "persona non grata" at that elite unit. Although the stoppage was not limited to the SEALs, his former unit pushed back against a new set of operational guidelines. The unit conducted a captains mast on at least seven SEALs for revealing sensitive information during a series of promotional videos for the video game Medal of Honor: Warfighter. The reprimand ended the careers of two veteran SEAL Team 6 noncommissioned officers. Canoeing them was funny.. At the reunion, a few hundred yards from the Atlantic Ocean, a small group of current and former master chiefs stood around drinking and telling war stories. Instead, he heldthemback long enough for his teammates, including ONeill, to enter the bedroom. Tyrese wasn't happy with Chris Rock for taking shots at Jada Pinkett Smith and shared his thoughts with fans via Instagram. Slabinski told Vasely, and later, Navy investigators, that there had been no foul play.. A Predator drone video feed filmed an enemy fighter standing over Robertss body for two minutes, trying to behead the dead American with a knife. Howard, who has since risen through the ranks and is currently a rear admiral, was twice rejected by his superiors for advanced SEAL Team 6 training. After I shot this dude in the head, there was a guy who had his feet, just his feet, sticking out of some little rut or something over here. The two weapons found on the third floor were not discovered until the rooms were searched. Outside the main entrance stands a 30-foot trident sculpted out of a fragment of the World Trade Center. According to multiple SEAL Team 6 sources, the events of that day set off a cascade of extraordinary violence. (The Intercept is withholding the name of the operator, who believed he was following an order. It was really good therapy for everybody who was there.. ONeill, by contrast, was not considered as clever as his teammate, but he was a deadly sniper and had a successful tour as a team leader in Red Squadron. The book purported to be a true account of an S.S. officer who with dozens of other soldiers escaped Germany after World War II, joined the French Foreign Legion, and spent years in Vietnam brutalizing the insurgency. Within two weeks of the apparent beheading, Moore deployed to Afghanistan. Ten days later, the internal JSOC investigation was closed. Instead of helping search and secure the second floor, both headed to the third floor, hoping to get a chance for the historic kill. Smethers threatened to expose the SEALs for what he believed was a series of war crimes; the canoeing incident was just one of several operations in which Smethers alleged that Gold Squadron operators violated the laws of war. No one was upset that he ordered a beheading or all the men shot even if they were unarmed. The publication came as a surprise to the Pentagon because Bissonnette had failed to clear it as required. Bissonnettes book was the first eyewitness account, and it contradicted the Obama administrations narrative. Inside the vehicle were one or two rifles, as is customary in Afghanistan, but none of the men wore military clothing or had any extra ammunition. They dont play by the rules, so why should we?, The Intercept submitted three pages of questions to both Adm.Szymanksi, who as head of Naval Special Warfare now commands all SEALs in the Navy, and Capt. That was the only punishment. My character and honor are steadfast. The SEALs in the unit were furious that the White House revealed to the world that Navy SEALs had carried out the raid, violating the traditional code of silence about their missions. Less than a week before the assault, Bissonnette and ONeill got into a shouting match at the Dam Neck base over who would sell the inside story of the raid. No single military unit has come to represent American military success or heroism more than SEAL Team 6, officially designated as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group andknown in military vernacular as DevGru, Team 6, the Command, and Task Force Blue. The database contains photographs of persons killed by SEAL operators during their missions and other mission documentation. Well, bad news. Robert J. O'Neill. The mission was code-named Objective Bull. Two of these sources told me that the British government informed SEAL Team 6 mission planners that Norgrove worked for the spy agency, and that they had been tracking her movements since the abduction. Bottom left: A Winkler hatchet similar to those issued to Red Squadron. It was given as an honor, one more step to strive for, another sign that youre doing a good job.. Morale at Red Squadron fell apart shortly after the team returned to Virginia Beach from Afghanistan. After 90 minutes, as the helicopters were nearing the rendezvous point, one of the SEALs alerted Hyder that an old man who had been lying in a ditch nearby was walking toward the SEALs position. Officers like Hyder, who did not pass through the brutal SEAL Team 6 internal training program, known as Green Team, are often viewed with suspicion and occasionally contempt by the enlisted SEAL operators. Most would speak about the unit only on background or without attribution, because nearly every facet of SEAL Team 6 is classified. Two hours passed before the SEALs in the damaged helicopter were able to return. Senior members of SEAL Team 6 felt the pattern of brutality was not only illegal but rose to the level of war crimes. According to three sources familiar with the debrief, Bissonnette never fired his weapon at Kuwaiti. During the mission, the SEALs reported receiving small arms fire from exterior positions, though no one was hit. They ransacked the compound for documents and media for intelligence, left the survivors inside, and returned to Jalalabad air base with the body. [There was] so much savagery. Then ONeill canoed bin Laden with a final shot. Slabinski told MacPherson that Wolverine had been really good payback., Just a phenomenal, phenomenal day. There was no discussion of a visible weapon, no claims that one of bin Ladens wives had been used as a shield or a threat. Late that year, the CIA joined operators from Gold Squadron for an operation near Jalalabad. The SEAL mission was compromised when the local nationals spotted the team, who presumably reported its presence and location to the Taliban. It was a hard transition initially--I went from Rock Star to Rock Bottom and had to, as you say, "re-define myself." This coupled with my survivor's guilt was the hardest . Slabinski retired from the military in 2014 after 25 years in the Navy. This organization recruits the top 1% of all SEALS in the Navy. Allowing a lack of integrity to grow and develop within any organization will lead to abuses like it or not. Two different sources said that over a six-year period roughly 2005 through 2011 battlefield reports and accounts of atrocities, particularly mutilations and taking of trophies, were ignored by SEAL Team 6 leadership. Army 1942-1945 WW II S/Sgt 4/26/1916 6/21/20072126th AAF BU,. While he was there, he confronted the Blue Squadron troop and the operator whod tried to behead the Taliban fighter. Otherwise we knew its going to get out of control. They were told, Go in, kill him, and bring the body back, said a former SEAL Team 6 leader involved in the raid. Made up of no more than 200 SEAL operators when the Afghan war began, SEAL Team 6 was the lesser known of the U.S. militarys elite special mission units. Once inside, the SEALs proceeded slowly and methodically. One source said his superiors repeatedly refused to address the issue. According to a CIA officer with direct knowledge of the incident, the CIA requested that the SEALs capture, rather than kill, their militant targets. Both should have remained on the second floor. One of Bissonnettes teammates then put his gun through the front door, which was now slightly ajar, and shot the gunman in the head. They were mad because he spoke to the New York Times and lied.. In the book, Bissonnette implies that he was directly behind Red just below the third floor when bin Laden was shot, and was one of the next two SEALs who entered bin Ladens bedroom. In March 2013, Esquires profile of ONeill portrayed him as a humble quiet professional who after 16 years in the Navy would no longer have health insurance and was otherwise a downtrodden American hero. Its important that you put this stuff in context, the CIA officer said. At first the hatchets appeared to be merely symbolic, because such heavy, awkward weapons had no place in the gear of a special operator. All six were photographed. Canoeing was just one of several acts of mutilation frequently carried out by SEALs. The raid, several of the SEALs said afterward, was one of the easiest missions theyd ever conducted. A former SEAL Team 6 leader who has knowledge of the episode told me Moore shamed Slabinski and the squadron for their conduct. These were family weapons, said the retired SEAL. Bravo 3/3B. When SEAL Team 6 operators were occasionally confronted about the desecration, the SEAL leader said, theyd often joke that they were just great shots.. You will step over the line and you start dehumanizing people. Bottom left:Screengrab from drone feed during the battle of Roberts Ridge. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a darker, more troubling story of revenge ops, unjustified killings, mutilations, and other atrocities a pattern of criminal violence that emergedsoon after the Afghan war began and was tolerated and covered up by the commands leadership. There just isnt a need to carry a two-pound hatchet on the battlefield. For those who favored them, this former SEAL said, the hatchets could be justified as being no more than knives. Peter Vasely with members of Blue Squadron in Afghanistan. According to his own description, the first two rounds hit bin Ladens forehead. Both Bissonnette and ONeill declined to answer questions for this article. O'Neill has gone. Bravo 2/2B. Theres honor involved and Vic Hyder obviously traipsed all over that, he said. But his former teammates credit another operative with killing bin Laden before O'Neill entered the room and pumped the rounds into his head, The Intercept notes. WASHINGTON Britt K. Slabinski, a former senior chief petty officer of the Navy's elite SEAL Team 6, received the Medal of Honor on Thursday for his . One of their teammates killed the other two targets in another room. As he did so, he approached the manHeath had shot. At least two of Bissonnettes teammates who were with him when al Kuwaiti was killed were angry about the deception taking credit for a teammates actions on a mission was unprecedented and dishonorable but did not contradict him in the presence of a military lawyer. It will mark a sea change in the sea service's clandestine and close-knit cadre of SEALs, a secretive and elite military force that rarely testifies against each other, especially in war crimes. Bissonnette eventually settled his legal case with the government, agreeing to return $6.7 million in profits from the sale of No Easy Day and giving up any proceeds from future sales of the book. We couldve used the intel. Outside the compound, the SEALs were quick to show the photos to others on the assault team. Top left: CIA paramilitary officer and former SEAL Team 6 member Richard Smethers. Slabinski hadtold his operators that he wanted a head on a platter. Although some of the more seasoned SEALs took the statement metaphorically, at least one operator took Slabinski at his word, interpreting it as an order. The reason SEAL Team 6 exists is to avoid bombs and collateral damage, said a retired SEAL Team 6 member who was on the mission. Red could see bin Laden bleeding out from his chest wound but he still had not entered the bedroom. Asked for comment, the British government told The Intercept that it does not comment on security matters and would neither confirm nor deny that Norgrove worked for the intelligence agency. Killing unarmed civilians whether on purpose or by accident has a profoundly harmful effect on the human soul. A. J. Buckley as Special Warfare Operator First Class Percival "Sonny" Quinn a.k.a. Created in 1980 and based at the Dam Neck Annex of Naval Air Station Oceana near Virginia Beach, the command prided itself on its culture of nonconformity with the larger military. I didnt give their different accounts much thought, the SEAL said. SEAL Team 6 patches. They are taught to live and if necessary die for one another. They had bonded over Robertss death. The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. After the publication of No Easy Day which in one chapter describes in great detail the specialized gear, along with brand names, Bissonnette wore on the bin Laden mission the Navy opened several inquiries into Bissonnettes outside business contracts. He ordered a pause in most SEAL and JSOC operations over a two-week period in February 2009. In the summer of 1992, he left SEAL Team 8 and checked in to DEVGRU. A few of his female relatives were nearby. During the investigation, Bissonnette surrendered a photo of bin Ladens dead body that he had unlawfully retained. You do something atrocious or sell out your name is on it. The defense contractor, Atlantic Diving Supply, or ADS, has military supply and equipment contracts with SEAL Team 6, according to several former SEAL Team 6 operators, as well as other. As the special operations helicopters approached the convoy from the north and west, Air Force jets dropped two bombs, halting the vehicles and killing several people instantly. That was the end of that. Hyder said that his single shot had blasted open the mans head. One, led by an enlisted operator, took in the damage to one of the vehicles. Almost immediately, the issue that received the most scrutiny was the December 2007 attempted beheading. He was unarmed and wearing pajamas. asking for money). He was dying, but he rolled over and I didnt know whether he was armed or not. Osama bin Laden had been branded by SEAL Team 6. Your teammates beside and behind you will cover all the other possible angles and areas of a room as you move forward. Then, in October 2010, SEAL Team 6 set out to rescue a British aid worker named Linda Norgrove, who had been taken captive in Afghanistan. A third of the guys literally think theyre Apache warriors, then you had the Muslim way of removing a head. Later that night, after Blue Squadrons assaulters had successfully carried out the raid, killing three or four armed men and recovering weapons and explosives, Vasely and Slabinski conducted a walk-through of the compound. Bissonnette was much farther back down the stairwell. Shortly after that operation, Slabinski returned to the SEAL Team 6 base at Dam Neck. How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters werent on the beat? Seal team 6 rock of shame. But in the eyes of the enlisted SEALs of Red Team, Hyder had killed a man who didnt have to die. It was disappointing. The 23 SEAL Team 6 operators assigned to the mission prepared constantly for the entire month of April 2011, practicing on two different full-scale mock-ups of the bin Laden compound. Survivors began to flee the wreckage, and over the radio, Hyder and his team heard the order that the convoy was now in a free fire zone, allowing the Chinooks gunners to fire at anyone deemed a threat, regardless of whether they were armed. The SEALs successes throughout 2002 resulted in the Joint Special Operations Command choosing the unit to lead the hunt for al Qaeda, as well as the invasion of Baghdad in March 2003. War is an adrenaline rush. He had already set himself up for a profitable future. First, the SEALs would now be required to do call outs before entering a compound. Vasely, who currently runs the operations divisions of JSOC. Hyder acknowledged that the man likely did not understand English and probably couldnt see very well. ONeill then fired two rounds. After participating in May 2011's Operation Neptune Spear with SEAL Team Six, O'Neill was the subject of controversy for claiming to be the sole individual to kill Osama bin Laden . We talked about it and 35 guys nodded their heads saying this is not who we are. Howards distribution of the hatchets worried several senior SEAL Team 6 members and some CIA paramilitary officers who worked with his squadron. The operators were unhappy about the new restriction, arguing that call outs gave up the tactical advantage of surprise. One former SEAL Team 6 leader told me that he feared the practice would lead to members of the unit using the DNA samples as an excuse to mutilate and desecrate the dead. Mutilation isnt part of the game.. Mar 27, 2019. The SEALs had been specifically asked to avoid shooting bin Laden in the face. Bin Laden dropped and ONeill fired the security round that canoed him. Opening it up, he saw a collection of photographs, more than a dozen canoed enemy heads. Both operators were accused of breaking with standard operating procedure to get themselves in position to be among the first to see or kill bin Laden. Afterward, Kuwaitis wife confirmed that bin Laden could be found on the third floor of the main building, just as the team had been briefed. What youre saying is you have no faith in the commander, he said. Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military's special mission units. Thats all it takes to support the journalism you rely on. Instead, as Red began his ascent to the third floor, they followed him up, hoping to get in on the kill. Richard Phillips, captain of the commercial vessel the Maersk Alabama, in April 2009 from Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Simply claiming to be a current or former member of the military is not illegal. And it takes the team, it takes individuals to pull you back. The CIA team on the operation was angry because they had lost an opportunity to interrogate the suspected militants. And from the moment President Obama announced the operations successful conclusion in a televised address, a variety of individuals and institutions have sought to profit from the elimination of Americas most hated enemy. And then we move on, said a former SEAL who was present at the meeting. A few days after the attempted interview, investigators obtained photos purporting to be of the dead fighter. My word is my bond. But after 9/11, another code emerged that made lying especially to protect a teammate or the command from accountability the more honorable course of action. Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward "Eddie" Gallagher, a highly decorated Navy SEAL, is fighting murder charges . Fair enough. In his interview with the Times, Slabinski asserted that it was he who had witnessed the operator slashing at the dead fighters throat, saying, It appeared he was mutilating a body. Slabinski portrayed himself as trying to police his men and said that he gave them a very stern speech. He claimed to the Times that he told his men, If any of you feel a need to do any retribution, you should call me. Slabinski says nothing in the Times story about Vasely ordering him to investigate the scene or the remark about a head on a platter. The prominent mountain range often served as the last geographic refuge for retreating forces entering Pakistan. Top right: Robert ONeill with his tattoo of two bloody feathers, representing his kills. Inside, they found six militants, four in one room, all sleeping with weapons near their beds. Two of the operators with Hyder reported afterward that the man was not a threat. Neil Roberts was the first member of SEAL Team 6 to die in the Afghan war, and among the first elite operators who died after 9/11. Men, women, and a small girl, motionless and in the fetal position, appeared dead. The death andattempted decapitation of Neil Roberts on Takur Ghar affected no one so profoundly as Britt Slabinski, the operator who led the rescue team back up the mountainonly to find that Roberts was already dead. By 2007, the commands leadership was aware that some Blue Squadron operators were using specialized knives to conduct skinnings. Using the excuse of collecting DNA, which required a small piece of skin containing hair follicles, operators were taking large strips of skin from dead enemy fighters. But what happened during Objective Bull, the assault on the convoy in the Shah-i-Kot Valley, has never been previously reported. When it was commissioned, the Navy had only two SEAL (Sea, Air, and Land) assault teams, but founding officer Cmdr. . Private sector and then Delta Force That years reunion, the first under Wyman Howard as commanding officer, was held at their new headquarters, a $100 million, state of the art testament to the stature of the command as the home of the Presidents Own, the clandestine global force capable of striking anywhere, killing anyone, the tip of Americas military spear. Both declined to comment. McRaven, who did not respond to requests for comment, also held a meeting with a large group of senior officers under his command and said that SEAL Team 6 had effectively made lying to protect a teammate an honorable course of action, according to a person who attended the meeting. The squadrons commanding officer recorded it on a cellphone. By 2007, when Howard and Red Squadron showed up with their hatchets in Iraq, internal reports of operators using the weapons to hack dead and dying militants were provided to both the commanding officer of SEAL Team 6 at that time, Capt. He has told at least one former SEAL Team 6 teammate that he hopes to never deploy again. The vehicles wereheaded east toward the Pakistani border, as if they were trying to escape. That operator, known as Red inside the unit, is still an active-duty member of SEAL Team 6 and has never been publicly identified. The operational tempo was very high. Over the years, he had worried about battlefield discipline and retaliation after Neil Roberts had been nearly beheaded, and he had feared his men would seek retribution in Iraq during the height of the violence there. A spokesperson at Naval Special Warfare, which oversees SEAL Team 6, declined repeated requests for interviews and refused to answer a detailed list of questions, writing in a statement, We do not entertain or support public discussion of classified information because it puts our forces, their families and our future operations at great risk. The SEAL command asserted that all members of Naval Special Warfare are required to comply with the Laws of Armed Conflict in the conduct of military operations..
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