They clean the air from toxic substances, particularly benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and trichloroethylene. Snake plants enhance the beauty of your place while increasing the oxygen content, clean air and positive energy in it. Requires less light exposure. Monstera Plants vs Snake Plants: Whats the Difference? According to Vastu, happiness and prosperity come if you grow a snake plant in the house. . These plants are wonderful additions to any houseplant collection, especially for beginners, thanks to the tons of benefits they provide. Lord Ganesha is the God who represents well-being and prosperity in this direction (Mangal). The snake plant is one of those plants known for both looking good and improving air quality. Vastu is an ancient Indian science that combines the benefits of the five elementsEarth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space from nature and helps create a balance between them and humans. These are some of the best hand soaps to keep your hands clean without drying out skin. However, the symptoms fade quickly after they leave the building. The best place to plant it is either in a north, east or even north-east area. Keeping the aloe vera in the east or the north direction, as per Vastu for plants, ensures well-being of family members. Lets have a look at what these variables are. The neem oil extracted from its leaves also has many uses in the garden. Avoid keeping the plant in the bedroom as it may result in negativity. Related Posts. The pointed leaves of the plant symbolize a sword that protects the house from negative energies. Theyre also considered toxic to humans and pets and can be prone to fungal infections. Since their leaves hold plenty of moisture, they are better equipped to handle direct sunlight than houseplants with delicate foliage. This is considered an auspicious plant. The plant must not be placed over any table or surface, and it must not be surrounded by other indoor plants. =
Sansevieria was one of the few plants in the study that removed almost all the tested compounds from the air, except ammonia, making them a fantastic natural air purifier for your home. . 4 Money Plant in North Direction. Snake plants, for example, are good for insulating you against negative Chi, but because of their aggressive energy, you should keep them out of high-traffic areas of your home. 9. It gives an appealing look to gardens and homes and helps in enhancing relationships. Aside from that, there is an increase in negativity in the house. Although Snake Plants are beautiful, thats not all they have to offer in your interior design. Vastu expert Ashna Ddhannak says plants play an important role as they energize our surroundings. According to NASAs infamous clean-air study, this variety of snake plant proved to be the most effective at removing and filtering nasty airborne toxins. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. What Vastu Says: Keep the plant in the north or east direction for positivity and warding off negative energy. Vasuki is known for wrapping herself around Lord Shivas neck. Southeastern , Southern, and Eastern corners are the best feng shui spots to place your plants. We consulted top orthopedic experts and combed through customer reviews to help you choose the best couch for good posture and a healthy back. Jade is a small green plant with round leaves, known to bring luck and symbolizes growth, prosperity, wealth, and positive energy. It releases oxygen at night. Variegated varieties may lose their color slightly, but other types will fair perfectly fine in low light. 1.1 Now, let's list out some of the benefits money plants offer, one by one-. may help boost mental health. Transplant into individual pots once the roots have grown a few inches long. This plant is often found in homes and is considered very auspicious as it attracts good luck and wealth. According to Vastu, Snake Plant can be best positioned in eastern, southern and south-eastern corners of your house. 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Alleviate Mood and Productivity. 7. Snake plants (also known as sansevieriatheir botanical name is Sansevieria trifasciata) can purify the air inside your home as its leaves absorb a variety of toxins, according to one study by NASA.They are also, according to Feng Shui teachings, the perfect plants to attract money, prosperity, and good energy. Leaf cuttings will also root quickly in water or in soil, growing into a fully-fledged plant in no time. The banana tree symbolizes prosperity and wealth, and its delicate saplings and large leaves are used during various auspicious functions and festivals in India. Another study by the University of Michigan explored the impacts of nature on memory retention. Here are few Vastu plants for money and positivity that you should have at your home. It removes negativity and brings positivity to the house. Choose a plant having six stalks is the perfect one to get the maximum benefits. The best position to place the plants in your office or home is a place that is enriched by the plant's Wood element. Thorny plants represent negative energy. Water from spring through fall when the soil seems dry to the touch, and only once a month in the winter. The worst trees to plant near a house are oak, ash, and poplar trees, as these species are the most likely to cause this type of damage to the foundations . Snakes dont want to hang out near Snake plants since their leaves have sharp edges. The impact study of houseplants in purification of environment using wireless sensor network. You can also grow it indoors. An easy way to use the snake plant for Feng Shui applications is to place it in locations around the home that are considered Bagua areas. Here is a list of the top five plants you can keep in your home to improve the energy around you. The Snake Plant is undoubtedly the top-recommended beginner-friendly houseplant. How useful was this post? Consider adding a snake plant to your home for both aesthetic and health reasons. According to Feng Shui and Vastu, you should keep a money plant indoors in the southeast direction of the living room or hall. For maximum benefits, go for a plant with six stalks. The taller the leaves, the better the barrier they provide. According to pre-Feng-Shui, they placed the plants near the entrance to their home in order to allow the eight qualities to enter. What Vastu Says: The plant should be kept in the southeast direction indoors. Snake Plants also release oxygen at night and catch dust particles that can interrupt regular sleep patterns in people with allergies. The majority of SBS symptoms appear to be linked to poor indoor air quality. The most common issue is overwatering from excessive care rather than neglect which can lead to a drooping snake plant, flopping, or yellowing leaves. If Youre Looking For A Houseplant That: Light: The mother-in-tongue laws is well-known for its ability to cope with direct sunlight and low light levels, while strong light with some sun and shade is recommended. 4. Since the Eight Gods bestowed their eight virtues on all those who held this plant, the Chinese used to grow it in their homes as a valued house plant. Planting this plant in the house is considered very auspicious and fruitful. This plant is ubiquitous among most households. Although many people believe that the snake plant brings poverty in the house and causes unrest in the house, Vastu Shastra does not believe this, rather it believed that in the house where the snake plant is planted, there is happiness and prosperity. Snake Plant, one of Vastus indoor plants, is a beacon of positive energy, and NASA claims it can remove four primary contaminants that cause sick building syndrome. Placement over any surface or table, as well as enclosing the plant with another plant, is prohibited. The Lotus is related to the Goddess of wealth, Lord Buddha and Lakshmi. 3 Bedroom House Plans That Are Full of Character. Peony is an alluring flowering plant, which signifies optimism and love. Likewise, it helps keep the air free of toxins and impurities. easy to care for. They may not grow any bigger, but they wont show any signs of struggle either. Metal Wall Decor Ideas: A Guide. 2023 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved. The plant also has an anti-radiation property. 2. (Essential Tips). One is that its so easy to care for. Monthly Astrology Horoscope for GEMINI for SEPT Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Sign SAGITTARIU Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Sign LEO | DECE Weekly Astrology Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope for Zodiac Sign AQUARIUS | May Snake plant Vastu: Snake plant direction as per Vastu. It can be recognized by its evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow upright and almost resemble artificial foliage. The Sansevieria genus now encompasses around 70 species, according to Shamshur. It is a symbol of purity and is known for removing toxins from the blood. With several benefits for interior design, as well as physical and mental health, Sansevierias truly have it all. Whats more, snake plants can also help filter indoor air, a quality that can keep you safe and healthy. Theyre one of the easiest plants to care for, and theyll gladly repay your lack of attention by providing clean air and a splash of color in the corner of any room. In most cases, watering is a question of personal preference. It might surprise you to learn your pillows need washing, too. Snake plant benefits as per Vastu can be leveraged if you keep it in less trafficked areas and mostly place them in the southeastern, eastern, or south corners of the office or home. Deng L, et al. Planting in this direction will bring you blessings. Theyll grow faster if you give them a little more light, and theyll droop if you dont give them enough. Vastu Direction for Snake Plant. Make sure to clean the plant leaves and change the water regularly. Keep the money plant indoors at all times. Be sure the pot has a hole to allow draining. Use free draining soil to reduce the chances of rotting. A dried money plant, according to vastu, is a symbol of woe. Common Name: Mother in law's tongue. It will create a naturally humid environment around you, as well as being anti-allergic and combating Sick Building Syndrome. We are a floristry, plant, and lifestyle city resource curated by a passionate team of horticulturists, floral & plant enthusiasts, budding designers, and intrepid urban gardeners. This makes it an excellent choice. Use a potting mix that drains effectively. Few things should be considered before planting the money plant, according to vastu, or it may result in financial losses. Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a term used to describe how the health of certain residents or tenants of a building develops mild to severe symptoms that are linked to the building, even when no specific illness can be recognized. Snake plants kept in these directions are considered very auspicious for the benefit of the house. 2023 Cond Nast. You can keep it in any room but keep it in the southeast direction. However, in order to get all of these benefits, Snake Plant Vastu Direction is critical. Like Feng Shui, which emphasizes on growing plants at home, Vastu also promotes the same approach to bring positivity to life. If you want to plant a snake plant in the house according to Vastu, then you must keep in mind its right direction. You dont need to live in an indoor jungle to reap these benefits even a single houseplant placed on your desk while you work is proven to reduce stress levels. His sister is Manasa, another naga. Snake Plant. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Balcony Garden Web is all about gardening. Few plants should be kept consistently moist, and even fewer should ever be permitted to dry out. What Vastu Says: Grow a coconut tree in the south or the west direction of the garden. Discover the names of best Red Plants in Florida that you can grow indoors and outdoors if 21 Vastu Plants for Home for Health, Harmony & Wealth, Check out our article on good luck plants, Check out our article on the benefits of lucky bamboo, are some amazing rubber plant benefits you must know, Check out our article on science-backed jade plant benefits, Want to know about Peace lily benefits? We now know that having it in our homes and offices is also advantageous. The health impacts of indoor air quality. Lord Krishna declares, Of sarpas (snakes), I am Vasuki, in the Shrimadbhagvad Geeta, emphasizing the significance of Naga. Whats unique about this particular plant is that its one of the few plants that can convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen at night. In the winter, make sure the windows arent drafty. With so many wonderful benefits, you truly cannot go wrong adding a Snake Plant to your home. Vastu Plants for Home. Naag is identified by Samarangana Sutradhara as vasuki, the king of snakes. Here's how my plants help my anxiety and. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. 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Click, Check out our article on indoor plants according to zodiac signs, Check out our article on growing lavender in pots, Check out our article on growing Chrysanthemum in pots, Want to know the details about growing hibiscus indoors? Additionally, there are many snake plant benefits, as per Vastu. It spreads positive energy, destroys negative vibes, and promotes love. These plants have a special place in feng shui because people believe . If you are planting snake plants according to Vastu, then keep in mind that never keep them on a table or any other surface. It dries quickly outside in the sun and does not grow. Avoid keeping it in the Northeast part of the house. Itll help to reduce stress and promote a positive ambiance. The strong wood energy cuts through negative or stagnant energy. Golden Pothos. CO2 is needed to create sugars in a dark process (Calvin Cycle). 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According to Shamshur, snake plants can tolerate both shade and direct sunlight, underwatering, drafts, and dry air. They frequently search for other insects and animals that like to hide in open areas such as gardens. Its wise to keep this plant away from children and animals who are prone to nibbling. Copyright 2023 SmileySprouts | Privacy Policy. Actually, it protects the people of the house from any evil eye and communicates positive energy in the house. Please give your rating. (2021). They should examine the snake plant closely. Why Does My Aloe Plant Have Brown Spots (and How To Fix It)? Snake plant is considered natural air purifier. What Vastu Says: Daffodil helps in bringing fortune and rewards in professional life. 5. In fact, these benefits are so significant that they have spawned an entirely new branch of therapy aimed at assisting mental health patients therapeutic horticulture. Jasmine has white flowers with a pleasant smell that can lift your mood. Kulkarni KA, et al. Peace Lily Plant (Spathiphyllum) Peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is a beautiful flowering foliage plant. Vastu Shastra believes that trees and plants can provide amazing benefits to homes. 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It can also prove beneficial in flourishing friendship. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. The health benefit of the snake plant is proven by science as well. Prosperity, beauty, long life, intelligence, health, art, strength, and poetry are the eight virtues. Luckily, since the change is so recent, asking for a Sansevieria at your local nursery wont result in confused looks. While all houseplants absorb some sound when placed indoors, Snake Plants thick leaves and dense growth habits make them one of the best sound-absorbing plants around. If youre planning on growing snake plants outdoors, see our in-depth guide on the ideal hardiness zones for these plants to thrive. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service (updated 1/1/20) and Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 18/11/20). Other studies have found that exposure to aromatic plants before sleep induces deeper and more relaxed sleep. Snake Plants are some of the most popular and recognizable houseplants around. Is There any Snake Plant Disadvantage in Vastu? An Essential Guide, Are Hibiscus Annuals or Perennials? Do not leave the money plant unattended in the house. Are Aloe Plants Toxic to Cats, Dogs, and Other Pets? This video talks about placement for plants & trees according to Vastu Shastra. If youre a propagation fanatic, youll adore Snake Plants.
Studies, including those conducted by NASA, have consistently shown that the plant can remove toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and nitrogen oxides, which means that industries and workspaces like automotive plants and shops, aircraft plants, plywood, carpeting, paint makers and sellers, printing, and offices, where these chemicals abound in the products produced and used, would benefit greatly from having several Sansevieria around. Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT,,,,,,,,,, A Hobby for All Seasons: 7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants, The Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home, 5 Easy Houseplants to Love, Based on Your Mental Health Needs, When Sunshine and Water Are Enough: How Watering My Plants Reminds Me to Take Care of Myself, The 9 Best Couches for Good Posture and a Healthy Back in 2023, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Never Washed Your Pillows Before? The basic roles of indoor plants in human health and comfort. Air-Purifiers: Snake plants are NASA recommended air-purifiers, one of the best. Planting the money plant in this direction is thought to result in financial losses. It is one of the most popular Vastu plants for the home. The plant should be placed at the same depth as it was in its previous container. Already wash your bedding regularly? The plant opens the stomata at night during CAM photosynthesis, or Crassulacean-Acid metabolism, to reduce water loss. According to Vastu, the snake plant has many benefits as it promotes positive energy. Sansevieria is an excellent air cleanser, making it a perfect plant for indoor settings. Bamboo plant. Ensure to check the online vastu guidelines for placement and direction of these plants. What Vastu Says: Keeping it in the southeast direction of your entrance attracts the most energy. Snake plants kept in these directions are considered very auspicious for the benefit of the house. For more, see our in-depth guide to the best locations for Snake Plants to thrive in your home or office. There are a few possible explanations, including inadequate ventilation, chemicals from carpets, upholstery, copy machines, insecticides, and cleaning agents, outside pollutants being pumped in, and bacteria, molds, and viruses. Many household plants are strategically placed for decoration and to maintain feng shui. It also helps bring in harmony between couples. Snake plants are also helpful in killing mosquitos thanks to thesaponinin their leaves. It promotes the oxygen flow in a room, which in turn reduces stress and builds a healthy ambience. But did you know that some of these same plants also have health benefits?
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