Ladra has tasked you with retrieving the mask of Revan from the collection of Lord Grathan. After Revan was freed from his prison he reaquired the mask and wore it once more. Leave your old life behind, and let your allegiances die with it. Ladra has tasked you with retrieving the mask of Revan from the collection of Lord Grathan. The watchers say you have not been to the cave. It is obtained on Dromund Kaas by speaking with Raymon at the Revanite Camp. [1] The mask was featured in a preview for BioWare's upcoming PC game Star Wars: The Old Republic that was released on the game's official website. Watch the revelation cutscene where you see Revan take the mask off. The mask of Revan has a higher purpose to fulfull.". However, Torrun believes she will use it to imbalance the order to the dark side and has asked for you to return the mask to him instead. Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? Beside the fact that I did not know Revan in life, Revan was known for wearing a full helmet and cape.Revan and Yuthura Ban, about the former's old identity as the Dark Lord, This mask was originally worn as a part of a Mandalorian female's armor, and had a red and gray color. New Manaan Daily Area & R-4 Anomaly Operation. You stand before me made anew. It's also the best place to look to see what new videos or guides I have created! For more information, please see our Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 19, 2015 at 20:46 Radhil 4,502 16 22 "You have done a great service for us, but the restoration of Revan's mask to us is greater still, I fear howerver, that it cannon remain in our hands indefinitely. They should put the head+chest+legs in a separate unlock. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In the game they mention it's probably not usable anymore. Dark Side Points can be earned through a wide range of quest interactions and decisions. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Sorry I can't remember the names but those are the only two people you can give it to. 2 3 REPORT | REPLY executioner_200013 answered: Don't quote me on this but I think you can get it on Korriban. Not unless you do this. Older Cartel Market items also drop from specific types of Cartel Packs, which are similar to Ultimate Packs but instead may only drop a smaller selection of items. It will be glorious. Remade. [2], They were beaten! Every piece of Revan's life that we've recovered is in that cave. After Revan disappeared, the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik set out to find him. In most cases, the paragon option is located on the top of the conversation wheel, whereas the evil option is located below it. You didn't have to do it! Who do I give the mask to to get dark side points. maybe one of them isnt the original. Nihilus' mask, like Revan's mask, was never available for direct purchase. I was sent to retrieve the Mask of Revan. I moused over the ppl themselves and it showed nothing. During the early skirmishes of the Mandalorian Wars, this mask belonged to a Mandalorian female. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Assault on Tython - Empire - Veteran Mode, Assault on Tython - Republic - Veteran Mode, Korriban Incursion - Empire - Veteran Mode, Korriban Incursion - Republic - Veteran Mode, Dogfighter's / Wingman's Starfighter Pack. I have nothing more to teach you. Torrun, however, believes that Ladra is obsessed with the mask and will use it to pervert the teachings of the order. Star Wars The Old Republic - Agent - The Mask of Revan - Return to Ladra or Torrun Pilgrimage is a level 14 mission available to characters belonging to the Sith Empire. Want to support the site and read ad-free? It only takes a minute to sign up. But now I have a Revan mask. Got kill one and loot his corpse. BioWare and the BioWare logo are trademarks of EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Bonus Mission Pilgrim's Path - Defeat 12 Beasts. 1 0 REPORT | REPLY Without the mask he looked more human. BioWare. Star Wars & Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved. Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. After Revan was freed from his prison he reacquired the mask and wore it once more, until he was confronted by a Sith strike team at The Foundry. It was easier to remember he was just a man, with all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that implied. Especially since they were in separate packs. Ten years later, the Jedi Knight Revan, his friend and fellow Jedi Knight Malak, and their faction of Jedi were on Cathar searching for evidence of the Mandalorians' slaughter of the Cathar people. I will not remove your mask until there is justiceuntil the Mandalorians have been defeated once and for all. During the early Outer Rim skirmishes between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Revanby this time a well known, very powerful and charismatic Jedi Knightmoved throughout the Jedi Order, arguing his case for Jedi intervention.At first, he was a lone voice among the Jedi, causing the Republic Media to brand him as the "Jedi's own . Even Nihilus is a solo unlock. My Mercenary wears robes with a hood and I thought the helmet would look better than the Jugg PvP mask he was wearing, and was planning on making a Sorc that I wanted just the mask for(Shoulder pads on Revan Chest Plate looks ridiculous.). Revan defies the Jedi High Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Together he and Revan defeated the Mandalorians as Jedi but somehow, both were turned to the darkside through some unknown corruption. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Was afraid of that. It won't come again. The Mask of Revan is a quest item for the mission you are on to retrieve it, from the Revanite camp on Dromund Kaas. 10 Things We Noticed in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Video Feature, Resident Evil 4 Remake: The Mercenaries Mode - Leon S Rank Gameplay, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - Official Trailer 2 | Star Wars Celebration 2023, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations. Before us is a path. Will death free you from your past? Dripping with the blood of the womb, you are reborn. Revan just yanks it off rather than pull down the hood to pull it off, because it's not a helmet, just a mask. Ten years after her death[1] during the Mandalorians' genocide of the Cathar people on their homeworld in 3973 BBY,[5] the mask was claimed by the Jedi Knight Revan and was immediately donned by the Jedi. The email that you receive afterwards is quite interesting and I actually forgot what it said since I leveled my first 50. Swtor - How to get cool armor cheap (Revan's mask, mask of Nihilus) - YouTube Swtor - How to get cool armor cheap (Revan's mask, mask of Nihilus)Hi everyone! It will be terrible. Play as Preferred Tips & Transitioning Tips, Feast of Prosperity Event Guide (Fall 2022), Secret Junior Research Project Gree Event Achievement Guide, Kai Zykken Armors, Titles and Achievements, Roleplay Servers & Roleplay Guilds (RP Servers), Crew Skills Vendor White-border Materials Guide, Crafting Materials Gathering Guide (by all planets and material grades), 10 Street-Smart Craftable Smuggler Armors, Craftable Speeders with Cybertech Crafting Skill, How to Get Sith Armor for Your Dark Side Jedi SWTOR. Then cower in the compound until the guards throw you out. Your toon even comments on keeping it for himself, so I suggest that we should be able to keep the mask as light armour and use it for ourselves. You need the full set to have it in collections. [5] The two Jedi Knights then fell to the dark side of the Force under the guidance of the Sith Emperor;[7] although Revan eventually declared himself Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak becoming his Sith apprentice, and thus establishing their own Sith Empire. [10] (taken from Wookieepedia), Vrook Lamar, a member of the Jedi High Council, and a team of Council loyalists arrived on planet and confronted the Revanchists, ordering them to abandon their efforts. I tried resetting the quest which requires me to get the mask of Revan again, but no matter who I end up turning in the mask to (either Ladra or Torrun), the follow up with Raymon still leaves him inaccessible i.e. After driving the Cathar people into the sea, the woman tried to convince Cassus Fettwho led the attack against the planetnot to kill the Cathar, believing that they had been sufficiently defeated. It's last known use was when Revan was confronted by a Sith strike team at The Foundry. These boxes now contain belts, bracers, and headgear. So can we wear the mask from a Mandalorian??? Here are the questions in which you can earn Dark Side Points. That means it gets put on a different tab on your inventory, and would not function as a piece of your equipment no matter what class you were. Malak became Revan's apprentice. Scar is a reference to Shadow of Revan where he had a scar on Reborn mask. We have nothing more to discuss. When light shone on the mask, all of the Jedi present experienced a vision through the Force of the battle that had taken place a decade prior. Ladra has told you that each Revanite initiate must undergo a trial to connect them to Revan himself--and yours will be very special. A Lore-Appropriate Togruta & Togruta Naming Conventions. If I get the Mask of Revan, can I unlock just that in the Collections like Mask of Nihilus, or do I have to have the full Revan outfit? Game Update 7.2.1 is now live! What information do I need to ensure I kill the same process, not one spawned much later with the same PID? revan is so powerful in the force that he can grow new masks. [1], Revan continued to wear the mask throughout the conflict, which concluded with the near extermination of the Mandalorians in the war's final battle at Malachor V in 3960 BBY. I agree with this. Mercenaries mode is a special mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake that challenges players to survive and score as many points as they can against waves of enemies, with all sorts of ways to extend time, gain score multipliers, and more. Tell me how it feels. Its either fake or Revanites somehow managed to give the mask to Revan. Does this apply to older or discontinued armor sets ? Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. . [14][15], Revan's mask was featured on Hasbro's action figure of Darth Revan in the third quarter of 2007. [8][9], Unbeknownst to even the Jedi Council, Bastila Shan, the leader of the Jedi strike team that captured Darth Revan, recovered the mask and hid it for many years. I know this problem has been raised over and over and i'm beating on a dead horse here, but it's a problem that's been there since the collections were introduced, and we still got no update on it. How does the swtor subscription work in steam? Scan this QR code to download the app now. Take this gift to guide you in your new life. Do not be frightened. You can also enable it to show which choice is good or evil permanently so you don't have to mouse-over your choices. Make sure by mousing over the dialogue choices; the emblem for Light Side or Dark Side usually comes up. also access to a Nihilus mask. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. What really churns my butter is that they didn't make separate unlocks for head+chest+legs and gloves+belt. Go, and return to me when you reach the end of the cave. After meeting mother and son, choose "Not why I'm here"and kill them both. Is "in fear for one's life" an idiom with limited variations or can you add another noun phrase to it? But tell me something: You are here because of the Order of Revan. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, About | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Our Supporters | Sitemap | Reset Settings. It's also why, in SWTOR, he has scars around his face where the edges of the mask were seared into his skin. His Jedi Knight one is which he had as jedi. And I'm proud that you've begun your new life as a Revanite--choosing allegiance to us first of all. It's the last thing initiates see before dying. I'd love to hear it - the best way to let me know is to leave a comment on the corresponding video on YouTube or send me a message on Twitter! Like the power of the Force flows through me. There's no shame in that. How to use a SWTOR Security Key & Get 100 free Cartel Coins per month! It's always been a face mask, dating back to KOTOR 1. Near the end of the video, the scene cuts to what appears to be a tomb and Revan's mask lying in front of it. Revan is so powerful in the force that he can grow new masks. Meet Drill Baal. Privacy Policy. As for the second option - if it were true, it must have happened somewhere between the Maelstorm Nebula prison and the Foundry flashpoints but it's unlikely that Revan traveled to Dromund Kaas just to meet this cult and reclaim his mask. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! If you do not wish to follow this link, simply close this message. Pick your path lol. Then you can unlock it, claim the whole set just for the mask. You should send them to the Empire. Death freed Revan, left him unbound from all oaths and promises. TORCOMMUNITY AND RELATED PROPERTIES ARE TRADEMARKS OF GAME RUSH, LLC. You have done a great service for us, but the restoration of Revan's mask to us is greater still. How do two equations multiply left by left equals right by right? I just bought that other mask on the CM, (Executioner's I think?) Space Pirate was such a "weak" pack, that very few people bought it compared to the other packs, so virtually the gloves and belt are non-existent nowadays. Yeah, they kinda failed on this. Fire Emblem Warriors
What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Does that change later? After you tell him that there was a cult founded in his honor, he answers: "So I heard, not what I would have wanted, given the things I did". The last time I had a choice like this I picked the logical "evil" thing and got light side points. LoneAshamanJuly 29, 2013 in General Discussion. Is this because I'm playing a Bounty Hunter? You've done well. However, Torrun believes she will use it to imbalance the order to the dark side and has asked for you to return the mask to him instead. Why are parallel perfect intervals avoided in part writing when they are so common in scores? The mask that the player took from lord grathan is later to be found in the hands of Darth Revan himself? Speak to Morrun Kill Vicious Vine Cats Defeat Mandalorians Activate and Destroy the Security Droids Return to Raymon Speak to Dzoun 1912 XP 375 Select One Reward: 1 Planetary Commendation Kaliyo's Padded Jacket Vette's Padded Jacket . They were from different packs, Blockade Runner for the first three, and Space Pirate for the other two, if i remember correctly. You Would of thought that since you can get both from Rep vendor, you'd be able to unlock Revan mask. Battlemaster Vindicator's Headgear Retired Schematic, PvP Valor 60. Already the name of Darth Charnus is shunned in Kaas City. Then you will always be mired in the life you've made until now. Ladra has asked you to retrieve the mask of Revan from the collection of Lord Grathan so that she may use it as a symbol to guide the Revanites. After becoming a revanite again, I realized that the mask of Revan looks freaking awesome. Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. You will never be free to become a Revanite. Before she left, Shan gave the mask to her with instructions to give it to Revan. The Mask of Revan | SWTOR Quest Database The Mask of Revan Browse Database Quest List With your first trial complete, you are one step closer to being accepted into the Order of Revan and learning the identity of the Master. Leave now, and may the Force make you strong. Since you can't buy the packs anymore, for your case, it would just be better to buy the mask from the rep vendor. (SWTOR), Rass Ordo Voice Actor & Arcann Mocap Actor Official Interview (Noshir Dalal), Female Jedi Knight Voice Actor Official Interview (Kari Wahlgren), Valkorian Voice Actor Official Interview (Darin De Paul), Onderon Lore Interview with Creative Director. I checked my mail - I even received mail from the quest giver in Kaas city that . and it looks way better on my toon with Revan's Chestpiece and the Phantom leggings.. You cannot just unlock the Mask, you have to have the whole set first bound to 1 character. Galactic Season 4, PvP Season 2, 64-bit update, Ruhnuk Hidden Lore Object and Codex Entries. All Thats Left Short Story New with 7.1! [6] After becoming a Sith Lord under the tutelage of a Sith Emperor[7] and eventually declaring himself the new Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan wore the mask as part of his personal armor,[4] up until his capture by the Jedi Order and Republic forces in 3957 BBY. In this Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown, Logan Plant highlights Link's four new powers, along with bringing some speculation surrounding some hidden bits tucked away in the gameplay. The Foundry is a universal constructor. With your first trial complete, you are one step closer to being accepted into the Order of Revan and learning the identity of the Master. I checked in settings for something but I coulcn't find anything that said to show info. Its also possible that the revanite you give the mask to sends the mask anonymously to revan when they hear of his escape from the emperor's prison. I expect nothing of you. I keep hearing that you can do this but I can't find it. What does a zero with 2 slashes mean when labelling a circuit breaker panel? You have passed your first trial and are one step closer to being accepted into the Order of Revan. We give the updated Mercenaries mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake a spin in this S-Rank gameplay clip, featuring Leon. Actually it is the same mask according to Wookieepedia, After Revan's defeat at the hands of the Sith Emperor the mask remained in the proprieties of the Sith for centuries. you cannot talk to him, or get any quests from him. Still it's not a bad feeling. Your not allowed yo keep the mask no matter what you choose it never will become a useable headgear or mask. By Can I level to 60 as prefered if I buy shadow of revan expansion? On Star Wars:The Old Republic I was playing as my Bounty Hunter. Morrun - Choice* Tell him Revan said it was just and he will let you through this step without any fighting. Initiates are torn apart by things inside the cave. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? ResonanceZero Members 7 Posted March 6, 2012 The Foundry is a universal constructor. That means it gets put on a different tab on your inventory, and would not function as a piece of your equipment no matter what class you were. Savor the moment. It will remind you of what you've become. There are still more trials to complete, however, before you may meet him. One of you knew, but you didn't listen! Duplicate answers are discouraged and may be subject to deletion. The game bestows Light Side Points (good) or Dark Side Points (bad) depending on how a player based on specific social interactions during quests, missions and Flashpoints. So swearsRevan!Revan, after the vision of the Mandalorians slaughtering the Cathar, During the early battles of the Mandalorian Wars, this mask was worn by a Mandalorian female who was present during the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders' devastation of the Outer Rim world Cathar. Battlemaster War Leader's Headgear Retired Schematic, PvP Valor 60. Mainly want to unlock just the helmet. But notice, it says belts, bracers and headgear. Do Free-to-Play and Preferred players get less XP? Why not to enter all set Revan for reputation at this vendor. At least on Dromund Kaas they do. The Mask of Revan is a quest item for the mission you are on to retrieve it, from the Revanite camp on Dromund Kaas. Mainly want to unlock just the helmet. Do not return until you've completed the trial of death. I fear, however, that it cannot remain in our hands . There should be a way to know. It snaps in the back. Darth Revan's shrine. The Imperial troops' brains are now in robots. I don't know your namebut I take up your cause. In 3973 BBY, the mask remained on the shores of the Outer Rim planet Cathar after the woman's death during the Mandalorians' attack on the world. No? It's just a Mandolorian helmet. [18] A minature bust of Darth Revan, which features the mask, was released in January 2011 by Gentle Giant Studios.[19]. Star Wars & Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved. [1], Ten years later, the Jedi Knight Revan, his friend and fellow Jedi Knight Malak, and their faction of Jedi were on Cathar searching for evidence of the Mandalorians' slaughter of the Cathar people. Just speculations, noone can be sure. If one little patch of flowers was supposed to be pink but they accidently painted it purple, there'd be hundreds of threads here saying "Bioware you're so f*cking stupid!" The lower robes and chest plate aren't a big issue, but the gloves and belt are rare and really expensive. We don't need Revanites who can't prove their worth. Giving it to the female is evil. Then the chick gives dark side points, guy gives light side. I think the "Darth Revan" mask is the one that SCREAMS Revan. I doubt even death would free me from that. I gathered reputation to legend level about a month. In the cave, you died. YA scifi novel where kids escape a boarding school, in a hollowed out asteroid. I was leveling my alt today and done the whole Revanites quest chain. You cannot just unlock the Mask, you have to have the whole set first bound to 1 character. After the mask was given to Revan by Surik, all of his memories came back to him. Ladra has asked you to retrieve the mask of Revan from the collection of Lord Grathan so that she may use it as a symbol to guide the Revanites. Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? It makes sense that he would be able to synthesize a new mask there with little difficulty. During the Cold War era, it was in possession of the rogue Sith Lord Grathan until it was stolen by the Revanites, a Sith cult dedicated to emulating the life and teachings of Darth Revan. Star Wars & Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved. BUT he somehow knew about the Revanites when you talk to him in the Foundry strange. Mask of Darth Revan Grab the Revan mask, . Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan, Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 2: The Becoming, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Celebrating the legacy of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Cartel Market Specials: Week of November 13, 2017, Darth Revan Mighty Muggs Review at, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 2008-2023 GAME RUSH, LLC. They were from different packs, Blockade Runner for the first three, and Space Pirate for the other two, if i remember correctly. Can one of the force-using classes, such as the Sith Warrior or Inquisitor equip it? To answer your question. Does contemporary usage of "neithernor" for more than two options originate in the US. You have died and been reborn. yes, yes it is. The did it for invisible stuff. Star Wars: The Old Republic. [12], Revan's mask first appeared in the 2003 Xbox and PC video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare. Who do I give the mask to to get dark side points. Ralev Members 96 Posted March 6, 2012 They made the Eradicator's mask a separate unlock. Revan Loungefly Backpack & Loungefly Interview! One way or the other, I'm ready to find out. The petty choices, the oaths sworn, all of it. Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions. By ect, ect. Here are the questions in which you can earn Dark Side Points. Well duh. BK-0 Combustion Face Mask Cartel Market / GTN / Underworld Exchange Cartel Reputation - Hero. JimNoonienSoongApril 12, 2012 in Suggestion Box, even though Revan might need it in the future. [5] Revan wore the mask once more on Dromund Kaas when he confronted the Sith Emperor. My past does not bind me. Or are you willing to do what is necessary? Free yourself from the life you've made. It was also found in cartel packs. Torrun, however, believes that Ladra is obsessed with the mask and will use it to pervert the teachings of the order. 161 votes, 27 comments. The mask on Dromund Kaas looks nothing like Revan's mask =\. BioWare and the BioWare logo are trademarks of EA International (Studio and Publishing) Ltd. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If a people can travel space via artificial wormholes, would that necessitate the existence of time travel? Revan dons the Mandalorian mask and vows to defeat the Mandalorians. What really churns my butter is that they didn't make separate unlocks for head+chest+legs and gloves+belt. The SWTOR Legacy of the Sith 7.0 Expansion launches on February 15, 2022! Ladra has told you that each Revanite initiate must undergo a trial to connect them to Revan himself--and yours will be very special. This is not true in all cases. Gearing Up with Mods Guide & Tips (SWTOR 7.1), The Ultimate Guide of Guides for SWTOR 2021, Level 70 Commanders Token Character Creation, Galactic Seasons Guide and Rewards Season 4, 2023, How to Solo Veteran Mode Red Reaper in Stealth, Super Easy Conquest Objectives, Solo Conquest & Crafting, How to Level Slower White Acute Module Guide, How to Solo Master Mode Red Reaper in Stealth. During the discussion, Revan noticed the mask which had belonged to the Mandalorian woman and picked it up. Are the classes in TOR *really* mirrored across factions? it's my only beef, i dont need a reason to bash bioware tho, just read the thousands of posts of people who actually care about gameplay i care more about the story tho and to fail there is just painful considering why in SW story naga sadow was buried on Korriban with a lightsaber and not in Yavin 4? Directed by James Mangold, the movie also stars Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Shaunette Renee Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Oliver Richters, Ethann Isidore, and Mads Mikkelsen. Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star Wars Celebration 2022, Galactic Timeline History by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, Current State of the Dark Council! Jeez, some people will bend over backwards for any excuse to bash Bioware. You're free now. [11] His body controlled by the dark half of his spirit, Revan wore the mask with his tattered robes until being confronted by Republic and Imperial champions on Yavin 4.
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